City of Patterson Urban Forest Tree Planting Policy December 6, 2016
Background In early 2015, the city applied for the CAL FIRE GGRF grant to create an Urban Forest Master Plan (UFMP). The application included a 1,000 tree planting component. Tree Ordinance (MC 12.16.070) includes: “It shall be the city’s policy that each interior residential lot shall have at least one approved city street tree and that each corner residential lot have at least three approved street trees.”
CAL FIRE Tree Planting Customer Concerns Staff contacted by 34 customers not wanting a new city street tree Staff performed field review 19 locations recommended for planting 15 locations NOT recommended for planting City Council requested changes to tree policy to satisfy customer objections.
Interim Recommendations Every location that currently has a tree (as of October 2016) shall continue to have a tree. Every location in a planting strip/park strip that currently has a vacancy but could host a tree, will have a tree planted there and not be subject to appeal.
Interim Recommendations Every location with an existing monolithic curb, gutter and sidewalk, that currently has a vacancy but could host a tree, will be allowed to defer planting a tree based on property owner objection.
Interim Recommendations 4) In order to fulfill the obligation of the grant, any homeowner who stated a medical condition based off the proposed tree will get a tree but will be given the option of multiple tree species from which to choose. 5) If a property owner has a significant objection to a specific tree specie scheduled to be planted, staff will make available to the property owner multiple tree species options from which to choose.
Interim Recommendations 6) All single family residential units built after October 2016 shall conform to the existing Street Tree Ordinance 7) These exceptions will begin on the date this resolution is approved by the City Council and will expire once the tree ordinance has been updated.
Interim Recommendations Staff does not want to make permanent changes to the tree ordinance until the UFMP consultant has had time to review the city’s urban forest policies and procedures. We anticipate there will be several updates to the approved street tree master plan list and to the municipal code that involves urban forest practices.
Recommendation Approve resolution identifying clarifications to Municipal Code Section 12.16.070.