English at Girton Glebe 5th May 2016
What does the English Curriculum include? Spoken Language Reading Writing
Spoken Language Very much integral part of what we do. Throughout their time at school learning to adapt their talk for different situations. E.g.: Talk time, paired or group discussion, drama, role play, debates …many more.
What can I do to help my child with their speaking and listening… Talk isn’t cheap…It’s free! Start where they are at… What are they interested in? Exploit it! Talk to them about it… Encourage them to have an opinion and express it giving examples to back it up. Make sure you stay interested: be a good audience to them…
Reading Glombots, who looked durly and lurkish, were very fond of wooning, which they usually did in the grebble rather than the grimper. What did the Glombots look like? What were they fond of doing? Where did they go wooning?
Reading Much more to reading than decoding. Reading for meaning is vital.
Reading Guided Reading Reading as part of English genre unit to immerse children in high quality texts Reading in a cross curricular context Phonics Opportunities for one to one reading Library time
What are we doing as we learn to read? Younger children focus on decoding. When this is secure children begin to develop other reading skills, for example: reading to find information, thinking about why an author has chosen a particular word. Crucially-promoting a love of reading.
How does the text relate to place and time it was written? AF7: How does the text relate to place and time it was written? AF1: Decoding – phonics, high frequency words, prediction. AF2: Find information in text AF6: How does author want reader to feel? AF3: How are characters feeling? AF4: Why is text organised that way? AF5: ( Why has that sort of language been chosen?
Sharing a picture book with your child Scan in a page of illustration
Sharing a picture book with your older child
Parents role – to promote a love of reading-not ‘teaching’ reading Read an unfamiliar word to your child to help the flow of the text. Model reading by reading aloud. Read to your child even when they can ‘read to themselves!’ Talk about the text. Show your enjoyment in reading with them. Reading for pleasure and reading for a purpose- e.g. instructions, recipes, websites. A little every day. Reading in ‘home’ language.
Parents role – broadening horizons Book Trust: Inspire a love of reading http://www.booktrust.org.uk/books/children/100-best-books/
Discussing texts with your child
Independency of aspects of English Reading widely has a positive impact on other areas of learning including spelling and writing. Use of spoken language integral part of developing as reader and a writer.