Science:/Social Studies: Classroom News February 20th – 24th, 2017 Mrs. Dugas – Mark your calendar * A peek at the week + Tues. Feb. 20 - Spring pics; Cane’s night for OLH Wed. Feb. 22 – mass 8:30 a.m Thurs. Feb. 23 – hornet pride jean day Fri. Feb. 24 – PK-1 parade 10:30 a.m.; 11:30 dismissal Math: + subtract 3 digit numbers with/without regrouping + count back by 1, 10, and 100 to continue number patterns Religion: continue preparing for reconciliation Science:/Social Studies: + life cycle of a pumpkin + George Washington and Abraham Lincoln Reading: “Life Cycle of a Pumpkin review compare and contrast “oo” sound as in wood Language: adverbs that tell how use the writing process Spelling: “oo” sound as in wood and put Phonics recognize vowel pairs and digraphs identify vowel diphthongs Identify vowel sounds and syllables A Note from Your Teacher: n Please return your child’s reconciliation vest and completed book to school ASAP. They were due this week. Continue practicing the act of contrition with your child as reconciliation is getting close. Please turn in homework notebooks on Thursday next week since Friday will be so crazy! Thanks and have a great weekend and upcoming week. Mrs. Dugas* r February birthdays z Noah – 7th
Vocabulary/Selection words Test Schedule fDeD February 20th – 24th, 2017 Mrs. Dugas – Upcoming Tests: Wednesday Math test on subtracting 3 digit numbers w/regrouping (Review problems on p. 112 in math workbook.) Thursday Language quiz on adverbs that tell how (Look over p. 164-167 in green grammar book.) Reading test on “Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Friday Spelling test Spelling words: n put cushion cook footprint stood full wood July shook push pull brook hook hood pudding r Notes: Please read “Life Cycle of a Pumpkin” every evening with your child next week. It is a difficult story. We are taking it on Thursday to ensure students have sufficient time to complete it since Friday is such a busy and short day. We will begin this story Friday afternoon and spend extra time on it in class as well. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me! Vocabulary/Selection words bumpy root soil fruit smooth vine harvest z
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