Leadership during change workshops Liz Rees Senior Operations Manager, Sainsbury's plc
Programme Workshop 1: 09:45 -10:45 Workshop 2: 11:15 -12:15 Understanding ourselves : how we rationalise stress and its impact on us as leaders and our wider teams. Workshop 2: 11:15 -12:15 Managing and leading change.
Liz's story Sainsbury's Master coach Life Coach Authentic Leadership Gap analysis Listening - you said we did One of 30 internal Mastercoaches typically coaching up to 3 coachees over a 6 month period Life Coach distance learning with Newcastle college Authentic leadership # Psycology today post published by Robert E Riggio Self Awarness – know thyself Relationship Transparency- Be genuine Be fair minded Do the right thing“Making or becoming different, difference from a previous state” “The process of moving from one set of circumstances to another” Gap Analysis play to your strengths balance your team
Understanding ourselves Kahler’s stress drivers questionnaire active debrief how does this inform us? filling in the Q as themselves but during debrief we are going to get them to think about the make up of teams they lead (or teams they are part of) and how they might deal with staff exhibiting different drivers They will get handout of questionnaire and stress drivers pack In 1975 Kahler identified 5 common drivers that motivate us. These are commonly framed as transactional analysis drivers. Any of these can be rooted from early admonishments from parents or teachers who are seeking to help a child become socially functional but perhaps to not offer sufficient guidance and praise for adequate behaviours leading to the child then the adult over doing things.
Coffee break
Managing change "Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything” George Bernard Shaw "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often” Winston S Churchill Liz's experiences http://youtu.be/xvrXrUxcYZs 5 mins Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything – George Bernard Shaw To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often – Winston S Churchill
Our role as implementers of change What is the vision and how do we share it? Skills Incentive –What's in it for me? Resources required Action plan handout 10 mins give handout of a model for change. Liz to briefly explain it
6 Steps to change success 1. Establish a compelling case and a sense of urgency 2. Ownership and leadership 3. Communicate early and often 5 mins Liz to talk through this. How these elements help to engage staff Hard vs soft issues - often we focus on the "hard" process elements and forget the "soft" issues like staff engagement and attitudes 4. Create and maintain a workable plan 5. Empower action and maintain momentum 6. Anchor new approaches in the culture
Q. What is the impact if elements are missing? 5 mins get people to shout out then move to elements on next slide.
6 steps to change success 1. Establish a compelling case and a sense of urgency 2. Ownership and leadership 3. Communicate early and often 5 mins Liz to talk through this. How these elements help to engage staff Hard vs soft issues - often we focus on the "hard" process elements and forget the "soft" issues like staff engagement and attitudes 4. Create and maintain a workable plan 5. Empower action and maintain momentum 6. Anchor new approaches in the culture
Reacting to change 10 mins Based on a model developed by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in the 1960s to describe the stages of grieving. Since then it has been widely adopted as a management tool to help staff understand and manage their reactions to change. Liz to go through curve briefly. What is expected of leaders at each key stage? (should this be an activity for the group to shout out?) © Lane4
Your situation Q. Think about a current situation in which you are undergoing change. Where are you on the curve and why? If you are not in a good place, can you do anything about it? few minutes personal reflection then discuss with neighbour group debrief 10 mins can be work related or personal debrief - can anyone give examples of when change was handled well and why this was
The 10 key reasons why people resist change Loss of control Loss of face Loss of identity Loss of competence Personal uncertainty Surprise More work Past resentments Unintended Consequences Real threats 5 mins
Think about your change example again. Q Think about your change example again. Q. Was there any element missing or insufficient? Q. If you were leading the change, would you do anything differently? Q. If you were experiencing the change, what could have been done differently? 5 mins discussion with partner then quick group feedback (10 mins in total)
3 words What are your takeaways? We have only been able to scratch the service of leading through a period of change. However, thinking about the 2 workshops in their entirety, what has particularly struck you? Might be an idea or something you are going to do as a result. Or something you are currently feeling. Can you sum this up in 3 words? They are for you to reflect on but does anyone want to share (Ange, Liz and get committee members to contribute)