Lesson 3 Media Influences Date:_________________ Bell Ringer: What is a target market? (Write 1 good sentence for your answer.)
What is a target market? A target market is a group of people (such as a particular gender, interest group, or age) who are most likely to buy a particular product or service. Who is the target market for the following products? Minivans: Running Shoes: Cosmetics: Beer:
Unit Goals: In this unit students will: Review common advertising techniques Review methods used by advertisers to influence consumer choices Identify and analyze techniques commonly used to advertise cigarettes and alcoholic beverages Recognize automatic responses to advertisements Discuss alternative ways of responding to ads in order to resist ad pressures.
Vocabulary: Partner activity: Match the terms and definitions Target market A. To influence or manage deviously consumer B. Group of people who are most likely to buy a product or service manipulate C. misleading deceptive D. User or purchaser of goods and services
Vocabulary terms answers Target market B. Group of people who are most likely to buy a product or service consumer D. User or purchaser of goods and services manipulate A. To influence or manage deviously deceptive C. misleading
Advertising Where do you see or hear advertising? Stated or Implied message?
Advertising Techniques Celebrity Endorsement: Bandwagon Appeal: Famous or well-known “Everybody uses it!” People endorse product
Advertising Techniques Romance/Sex Appeal Uses very attractive models in a way that implies that using the product will make the user more attractive Maturity/Sophistication Suggests that if you buy a certain product you will be more grown-up, sophisticated, and fashionable.
Advertising Techniques Fun/Relaxation Tries to convince you that a product will help you to have more fun or feel more relaxed. Popularity Implies that buying and using a certain product will make you popular.
Advertising Techniques Voice of Authority Suggests that the product is the choice of the experts (e.g. dentist, doctor, athlete, mechanic). Scientific Evidence Presents “facts” and statistics from surveys supporting the effectiveness of particular products.
Advertising Techniques Comparison Tests and Opinion Polls Claims that product “X” is better than product “Y” (e.g., razors, toothpaste, soda). Demonstration Shows how well a product works (typically used for such products as floor cleaners and laundry detergents).
Advertising Techniques The “Deal” Appeal Creates a sense of urgency and excitement by implying that this is a deal too good to pass up.
Cigarette and alcoholic beverage ads Advertisements for cigarettes and alcoholic beverages try to get people to buy their products by creating the false impression that smoking or drinking their products will make people’s lives better and more enjoyable. Smoking cigarettes or drinking does not make you more popular, successful, masculine, or feminine, sophisticated, or grown-up.
Techniques for Resisting Media Influence (page 27 text) When you see or hear an ad that makes you want to go out and buy the product, ask yourself the following questions: Did the ad convince me that I would be a better or happier person or improve myself in some way if I used that product? Do I feel that I would be more attractive if I followed the ad’s advice? Do I feel that if I ignore the ad I will lose status with my friends or that something bad will happen? Are the ads’ messages about the target market true?
Summary The purpose of advertising is to sell products. Ads are everywhere and in all types of locations. Many ads are deceptive in that they mislead the consumer by focusing on some irrelevant appeal rather than the product itself. Many advertisers are so effective in manipulating us that they often make us want their products without being aware of the fact that we have been persuaded. Being aware of ad techniques can help us resist ad pressures. Ad techniques apply to all media. When we understand a technique, we can make an informed decision about whether a product is right for us.