Margaret L. Stuber, MD Carole Warde, MD IPE in the Clinic Setting: Optimizing Your Clinic and Teaching when you have multiple health professions trainees on your team Setup: -Put table tents on 6 tables and encourage attendees to sit at one of the 6 -If you do not have a flip chart per table provide sheets and markers from what you have per table -Have handouts ready to disseminate at tables Margaret L. Stuber, MD Carole Warde, MD A Four Region GEA Consensus Scholarship
Disclosures This session is part of a GEA Four-Region project focused on IPE in the clinical workplace By attending the regional WGEA session, your consent for use of data and quotes (not attributed to an individual) is implied. If you do not wish to be in photos or to have your data used, please inform one of the instructors prior to the end of today’s session. Publication or White Paper: The themes that come from the session could be used in possible future publications or white papers. No direct quotations or identifiable information will be used for publication. Determination Exempt for IRB from UCLA
Agenda Example highlighting “challenges” 8 min Introductions and Overview of Workshop 12 min Challenges to IPE in the Clinic Setting Example highlighting “challenges” Description of “6 challenges” derived from literature/experience 25 min Small-group discussion [Crowdsourcing] Generate best practices in 1-6 challenge areas to learners in the clinical workplace 20 min Report Out (3-4 min/grp) 20 min Discuss findings 5 min Summary and Next Steps Clinician tell a story that illuminates the 3 challenges
Evolution of IPE to Shared Space… Traditional: Interprofessional Education (IPE)* “Occurs when two or more professions (students, residents and health workers) learn with, about, and from each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes.” Evolving from the National Center for IPE: “Interprofessional Practice & Education" Is a way to create a shared space between interprofessional education, interprofessional practice and collaborative practice. The “new IPE” does not replace the principles related to these concepts – rather, it embraces them. The “new” IPE is not about education for education’s sake. It’s about improving health, creating support systems and trying different models of practice. It intentionally supports people – including health professionals, health workers, students, residents, patients, families and communities – to learn together every day to enhance collaboration and improve health outcomes while reducing costs. *Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education in the United Kingdom and the World Health Organization
Background on This Session 2011 IPEC Expert Panel Pharmacy, Nursing, Medicine, Dental, MPH Developed Competencies for IPE IPE largely focused on “classroom” & simulation Interested in IPE in the clinical workplace Literature identifies barriers – but not solutions Goal – address that gap Dry lab in a classroom
Barriers to IPE in Clinic Workplace Address at least 2 of the 6 barriers A Story to Highlight Some Barriers
6 Barriers to IPE Clinical Workplace Logistics/Facilities How many trainees can be accommodated and do it well? Consider facilities, time, patient flow, etc. How do you orient your staff/engage your colleagues in interprofessional teaching? Alignment with Clinic Priorities How do you align goals to create “win/wins” for learners AND patient care? Teaching Strategies/Approaches What are the different ways interprofessional learners can be taught? How best could they be teamed to take care of patients? Is it possible to teach across professions (ie, an RN faculty teaching pharmacy learners)?
6 Barriers to IPE Clinical Workplace Culture of Each Profession Scope of Practice Assessment Does peer evaluation work to measure teamwork, competence, professionalism, communication, etc.? Where does direct observation of skills fit in? Faculty Development Are there existing faculty development models which could be repurposed to prepare faculty to teach IPE? Is their success dependent on specific local factors?
Your Turn How to Address Barriers Have Your Table Address the Barrier You Would Most Like to Tackle Presenter Notes: Identify 6 Locations for small groups to meet. Assign your instructors to monitor/support selected topics (you need 1 instructor to monitor/support 2 tables)
Each Group - Task Brief Self Introduction Review Task Details are on Top of Worksheet for your Task (turn in one sheet per table) Appoint a Recorder and a Reporter Be prepared to give a 3-4 min report out Record key points on Flip Chart Size Paper Your Focus Area Top 3 Strategies to Address Barriers Key “take home” points FlipChart/Easel Paper and Markers for each table
Report Out 3-4 min report out As you listen (Purposeful Listener) Your Focus Area Top 3 Strategies Address Barriers Key “take home” points As you listen (Purposeful Listener) Your “Do One Thing” Takeaway Pick One Thing YOU can take home Feasible, practical Record on Index Card and turn it in! FlipChart/Easel Paper and Markers for each table
Discussion Do One Thing Reports What surprised you? Cross-Cutting Themes Discussion Facilitators – identify cross-cutting theme and speak to what would be feasible, practical
Next Steps Sign-In Sheet Distribute Annotated Reference List Key findings will be collated across the GEA regions & shared back with participants in a national framework for validation Sign-In Sheet Write your name/email address (we will send you the findings) Indicate if you have an interest in a regional IPE SIG Indicate willingness to review/comment on findings across the regions Distribute Annotated Reference List COLLECT: Index cards SG worksheets Sign in sheet