Monday 10/18 Due today: POGIL(s) – hold on to and check in back Crazy L naming worksheet – turn in to box Lab- put in crate Objectives: Teacher/Teacher – ionic naming review Review 1st quarter reflection/set goals 2nd quarter Were you happy with the grade you earned? -If not, what could you have done differently? -How could I have helped you achieve your goal? 2. What did you like best about Honors Chem? 3. What would you like changed in Honors Chemistry and why? 4. Write a goal for 2nd quarter and tell me how I can help you achieve it. Homework: No Prelab this week Review ionic naming (acids tomorrow; holding off on Covalent naming until we finish 10 levels of Star Challenges) Cornell notes: 8.1-8.6 Self check 8.1-8.7 – due 10/26 Handouts: Star Challenge
Objectives: Teacher/Teacher Acid naming Homework: Tuesday 10/18 Due Today: nothing Objectives: Teacher/Teacher Acid naming Homework: Finish Acid naming ws Cornell notes: 8.1-8.6 Self check 8.1-8.7 – due 10/26 DQ: star challenge Coming up: No Prelab this week Review ionic naming (acids tomorrow; holding off on Covalent naming until we finish 10 levels of Star Challenges) Today’s Handouts: Acid naming
Wednesday/Thursday 10/19-10/20 Due Today: Acid naming – hold on to Objectives: What is a mole? Molar mass calculations Percent comp calculations Mole lab data collection and molar mass calcualtions Homework: Cornell notes: 8.1-8.6 Self check 8.1-8.7 – due 10/26 DQ: star challenge Today’s Handouts:Percent comp/molar mass ws
Friday 10/21 Due Today: NA Objectives: mole lab Homework: Register by tonight Cornell notes: 8.1-8.6 Self check 8.1-8.7 – due 10/26 Research paper RD 1 See rubric and syllabus – due 10/27 DQ: star challenge Coming up: Today’s Handouts: