On your index card… Full Name Preferred Name At least 1 strength At least 1 weakness Extracurricular activities Fun Fact One thing that is important for me (Mrs. Lindell) to know
MS. Scuse *With Mrs. Lindell Periods 1&3 Chemistry/Science 3 Course Syllabus and Expectations 2015/16 School Year
Objective Think like scientists and see how the world around us relates to chemistry!!! Understand why it is important to study chemistry in high school
Class materials A 3-ring binder with 5 tab dividers Syllabus and Important Documents Classswork/Homework Labs Tests/Quiz Loose leaf paper Composition notebook Writing utensil (pen or pencil) NO Red!!!! Scientific Calculator (phones do not count!) Positive attitude
Classroom Expectations Arrive on time and prepared to learn Follow directions the first time Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Speak and act respectfully to peers and adults INAPPROPRIATE AND DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. *No food or beauty products
Grading Policy Your grade in Chemistry/ Science 3 is based off the following: Assessments: worth 65% of your grade. Classwork, Homework, Activities, Current events Assignments :worth 35% of your grade. Quarterlies, Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Lab reports
NEW grading scale A+ 97 – 100 C 73 – 76 A 93 – 96 C- 70 – 72 B+ 87 – 89 D 63 – 66 B 83 – 86 D- 60 – 62 B- 80 – 82 F 0 – 59 C+ 77 – 79
Absent Policy It is the responsibility of the student to collect their make-up work and ask for help if needed (at an appropriate time). The student will have 1 day to make up their work for each class period they were absent.
Chem I Late assignments: Tests/Quizzes: Will be accepted for grading up to 1 day late with 10% reduction in grade After 1 day, the assignment will not be accepted for more than 50% of the total value, or could be given a zero Tests/Quizzes: Tests and Quizzes will be timed and have to be submitted at the end of the testing session No additional time will be given, unless you have specific accommodations
Technology Electronic devices will be permitted ONLY at the teacher’s discretion! Improper use will result in detention or SBIP. Videos or photos should NEVER be taken Class website: Google classroom Selected class documents will be posted Should be utilized for study materials and absent work
Google classroom Sign in to Google Google Search for Google Classroom Username is firstname.lastname@smyrnaeagles.org Password is SSD(lunch number) Google Search for Google Classroom Join a Class enter the Code for Your Class (See Below) Period 1 Code – y51kjca Period 3 Code – 4xco45 Period 7 Code – jokxt3
Daily Procedures Bathroom policy: Start of class: Each student will have four bathroom passes per marking period Any extra bathroom passes can be used as extra credit toward an assignment grade at the end of the marking period. Start of class: Be in assigned seat by the late bell Complete Warm-Up Have homework out (if applicable)
Daily Procedures cont’d During class: Complete all assigned tasks. Remain in assigned seat unless permission has been given to do otherwise, at which point should be done in an orderly fashion. Dismissal: Students are expected to remain in their seat UNTIL THEY ARE DISMISSED BY ME or MRS. LINDELL. Students out of their area will keep the entire class from dismissing at the bell.
Laptop Cart All laptops should be returned and plugged in just as you found them. Failure to appropriately to put laptops back could results in: Late dismissal Laptop privileges revoked
Contact information Ms. Scuse Morgan.scuse@smyrna.k12.de.us 302-653-8581 ext. 280 Ms. Lindell Jennifer.lindell@smyrna.k12.de.us 302-653-8581 ext. 292
Remind 101 Science 3 Chemistry 1 CP Text @shscience3 to 81010 Text @chem1shs to 81010