Welcome To Class 5-410! Ms. Byrne Type your grade.
Important Times
Important Times Prep Schedule: Monday – Art Period 7 Tuesday – Theater Arts Period 7 Wednesday – Theater Arts Period 3 Thursday – Gym Period 2 Friday - Technology Period 5 *Remember to wear your sneakers on Gym day!! Lunch Schedule: Period 6 Daily ( Recess first, then cafeteria) Morning Arrival: 8:20am Daily arrival to the auditorium ( if having breakfast then please arrive earlier) Dismissal Procedures: 2:40 pm Daily in the schoolyard. We are under basketball hoop A Type in your classroom rules.
General Information Insert time.
Fifth Grade General Information: Fifth grade students receive instruction in both large and small groups throughout the school day. Snack - We will have a snack every day. Students may bring in a snack and a drink. No glass bottles. Birthdays -We enjoy celebrating birthdays in the class. Please let me know in advance so we can prepare for the celebration. Napkins will be appreciated.
Money Collection – money should always be placed in an envelope labeled with your child’s name, class, amount, and collection purpose. Scholastic Book Clubs – Monthly flyers will go home with students if they would like to order books. Our class code is NFX8D. You can place you order online or send in the book list with a check made payable to Scholastic Book Club. Classroom Procedures – We have classroom rules. The most important is RESPECT! Parties and trips are both earned privileges for responsible and cooperative students. Dismissal – It is very important that we receive a note if your child’s normal dismissal routine is changed. This is to protect your child.
ReadyGen Insert time.
ReadyGen ReadyGEN is a comprehensive core literacy curriculum for Kindergarten through Grade 5. ReadyGEN uses topically organized text sets and highly engaging routines to build students’ knowledge and promote sustained critical thinking. The goal of ReadyGEN is to equip all students with the tools and practices necessary to meet the expectations of the Common Core Standards. Our first unit of study will be Fiction. We will be reading “Night of the Spadefoot Toads” by Bill Harley. Students will be expected to answer short responses and extended responses related to the text.
Go Math! Insert time.
Go Math! GO Math! is a comprehensive mathematics program developed to support the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. The program emphasizes the Critical Areas and depth of understanding through interactive lessons, research based instructional approaches, best practices from around the world, and differentiated instructional resources to ensure success for all students. You may use your login information to access the book, as well as videos and activities to help your child gain a better understanding of the material. Chapter One will focus on Place Value, Multiplication, and Expressions.
Social Studies
Fifth Grade Social Studies Math Your child is about to begin a new year with the Liberty Kids Social Studies program. This program is a multimedia approach to our country’s history. It presents social studies as a well-told story about the people who have shaped our country. Every Monday we will watch a new episode and answer questions on what we just watched. We will review during the week and they will be getting a test on the episode on Friday. You can go on YouTube and rewatch the episode we are studying. How You Can Help Throughout the year, we will be asking you to participate in your child's learning. The world outside the classroom is rich in history. Your encouragement, support, and sharing of your life experiences will greatly expand your child's learning. Insert info or delete slide.
Homework Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.
Homework Homework will be assaigned nightly . They will get a homework sheet for the entire week. Reading Homework: Every night students will be assigned a reading passage with questions. They must be answered in COMPLETE sentences. Spelling Homework: There will be spelling homework Monday – Thursday and a test on Friday. Math Homework: Math homework will be assigned nightly. Students should use their class notes and reference sheets to assist with homework. There will be a multiplication drill every Friday. Social Studies and Science Homework: May be assigned a few times per week and will reflect the lesson taught in the classroom. *Remember to check over all homework with your child and sign daily. If there is something that your child is having difficulty with, have them complete it the best they can, I check and go over homework the following day in class. You can also send me a note informing me of any confusion, and I will be happy to clarify it. In addition please check your child’s homework folder daily, as there could be important notices or consent forms.. You will be notified for excessive missing homework, as they will effect your child’s grades.
What happens when your child is absent?
When your child is absent… Please use the class list generated by our class parent, to call a classmate for the homework. If your child is too sick to complete the homework when they are absent, they can make it up as soon as they return to school. **Please always provide your child with an absent note, and a doctor’s note when it applies** Insert info or delete slide.
E-chalk Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.
E-chalk E-chalk is a school wide website that parents and teachers can use to learn important information about P.S.56. The home page lists information regarding whole school activities and announcements. Parents can then click on their child’s individual class web page to learn more information about their child’s specific class. Steps to access our class page: Visit www.ps56r.org Click on Directory Click on the link entitled Fifth Grade Then click on the link entitled Ms. Byrne You will be able to access the classroom calendar with the nightly homework listed.
NEW York State Testing Information Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.
NEW York State Testing Information There are 2 New York State Standardized tests: NYS English Language Arts (ELA) will be given on Wednesday, April 11 – Friday, April 13 2018. The ELA is a three day test that determines how well students are meeting the New York State Common Core Standards in Reading and Writing. NYS Math Test which will be given on Tuesday, May 1st – Thursday May 3, 2018.The math test is a three day test that determines how well students are meeting New York State Common Core Standards in math.
Closing Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.
Closing I appreciate you meeting with Me tonight and look forward to a wonderful year together! If anyone would like to speak to Me about their child individually please sign up for either a meeting or a phone conference and we will schedule it for a Tuesday afternoon (parent engagement day).