Introducing the Outcomes Star™


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Presentation transcript:

Introducing the Outcomes Star™ Created by Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Ltd

What is the Outcomes Star™? Empowers service users and supports them in making changes Promotes a consistent, holistic, asset-based approach to keywork Provides meaningful outcomes information A multi-purpose outcomes tool Measures and supports change Used collaboratively with service users Slide 2: What is the Outcomes Star? The Outcomes Star is a unique family of tools, created by the social enterprise Triangle, that are designed to both measure and support progress when working with people They are sector wide tools – with over 20 different versions spanning homelessness, mental health, adult care, families and parenting and youth work It has been found that the Outcomes Star does 3 things, as shown in this diagram – empowering service users, creating a consistent framework for keywork AND providing outcomes data

Benefits of the Outcomes Star™ Empowering – done with not done to Consistent, person-centric keywork Structures the conversation Promotes multi-agency working For service users For services and keyworkers Encourages reflection Provides meaningful outcomes data Holistic and forward looking Ready-made evidence-based tools Slide 3: Benefits of the Outcomes Star The Outcomes Star has proved enormously popular with workers, managers, service users and commissioners because: It helps improve keywork and provides useful evidence of outcomes - whereas many tools focus on one but not the other It is engaging, visual and accessible, so that it can be used collaboratively with service users – done with, not done to It counts the things that really count, genuinely reflecting the steps that service users take towards their end goal It is tried, tested and ready to implement, bringing the benefit of years of development with workers, services users and commissioners Visualises progress Integral – not adding another process

Example of an Outcomes Star™ An outcome area at each point of the Star Each outcome ‘scale’ is underpinned by a defined Journey of Change Stars are designed to be reflective tools, completed collaboratively between service users and keyworkers Slide 4: An example of an Outcomes Star and how it works Here you can see that the Star is a visual tool that keyworkers use to structure and record conversations and support with service users Each point of the Star is an ‘outcome area’ – a distinct aspect of a service users life Each outcome area is underpinned by a Journey of Change – a defined journey built on an understanding of the steps people have to take to make sustainable changes in their lives and in each area The Star is a reflective, collaborative tool – so that together the service user and keyworker decide where the service user is on the Journey of Change for each area in the Star The Star is a copyright, trademarked tool that can only be used under licence and by trained workers

The five-stage Journey of Change Effective parenting (9-10) Finding what works (7-8) Trying (5-6) Accepting help (3-4) Stuck (1-2)

Brief descriptions of each scale

Short illustrated scales for some versions

Detailed scales – in a User Guide or Worker guide

The Outcomes Star™ story so far The Outcomes Star for homelessness was the first Star, developed in 2003 with St Mungo’s The Outcomes Star was then published in 2006 for the homelessness sector, thanks to the London Housing Foundation The Mental Health Recovery Star was next, in 2008, then the Work Star, Teen Star and Family Stars in 2009−10 Today Triangle have published around 30 versions of the Star, with more being developed Each version is developed in collaboration with services and tested with practitioners and service users The Star is widely used in the UK by charities, local authorities and NHS trusts, as well as internationally

A growing family of unique, sector-wide outcomes tools

Well-being Star™

Spectrum Star™

Carer’s Star™

Using the Star and Star Online Star licences and training are required Star Online system available for on-screen completion and data analysis Good implementation depends on planning, integration and support Slide 6: Using the Star and the Star Online As copyrighted, trademarked tools, all services wishing to use the Star must ensure that their workers are a) licensed and b) trained Services can then get access to a set of tailored materials for each Star, including charts, action plans, quizzes, guidance for workers and implementation support Star Online is a web application for on-line collaborative completion, reporting and benchmarking Star Online enables workers to complete the Star on-screen with a service user; it has exactly the same graphics as the paper-based tools and is intuitive to use, with help text for workers and service users available throughout There is also the facility to write notes, create an action plan and view up to three readings per client on one Star for an instant visual of progress The system analyses the Star data across a service or organisation and you can easily generate standard reports and carry out advanced reporting to compare different types of service user or service Because the system is online, there is also the facility to benchmark your outcomes with an average for a similar type of service and service user nationally

Table: Change by Domain (All scores) (N=1137) An example: A family service and the Family Star The data captured by the Outcomes Star Table: Change by Domain (All scores) (N=1137) Domain ‘Starting’ Score Average Last Score Average Difference in Ave. Scores Setting boundaries 4.3 6.4 2.1 Social networks 6.1 7.2 1.1 Supporting learning 4.6 7.1 2.5 Meeting emotional needs 6.0 7.0 1.0 Physical health 7.8 1.4 Home and money 5.3 6.6 1.3 Family routine 5.0 2.2 Keeping your child safe 5.7 1.5 Average change  5.4  7.1 1.7

Star data: macro level – service, cohort and investor data Aggregated for 50 people at 12 months into their journey with project A

Dr Gavin Mellor, Director of Operations, Substance “There are a lot of validated questionnaires out there, but no other tool that fills the space that the Star fills. It’s about more than just measuring – it’s about how you work with someone and the values and principles that underpin that.” Dr Gavin Mellor, Director of Operations, Substance “I felt fully involved. It was clear and easy to understand and focused on me as a whole person, not just as a problem. It felt like a conversation - like the first time someone had really listened to me.” Service user comments about the Outcomes Star “The Stars are really good for breaking things down – asking the right questions and highlighting strengths as well as concerns. It’s amazing to be able to see where a service user began and the journey they have been on.” Keyworker Slide 7: What people say about the Star The Outcomes Star is a unique evidence-based tool for both supporting change and measuring change For services to get the full benefits of using the Star, quality implementation and management is key

Widely used across the UK and internationally The first Star for Homelessness was published in 2006 Today it is used by 1000s of organisations across the UK Including Local Authorities, NHS CCGs and Trusts, Police and PCCs, local and national charities and CICs, Community Rehabilitation Companies, Housing Associations, care providers and others Used in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, America, Canada, France, Spain, Finland, The Netherlands, Italy and translated into multiple languages Slide 8: The Star is an established and popular tool The Star is widely used in the UK by charities, housing associations, NHS Foundation Trusts and local authorities It has been backed by the Department of Health, the Big Lottery Fund, Nesta, the National Social Inclusion Programme, the Chartered Institute of Housing, the London Housing Foundation, Homeless Link and the Mental Health Providers The Star is also used in France, Italy, Denmark, the USA, Canada and New Zealand In Australia it is employed by a wide range of agencies including the Department of Human Services, the Salvation Army and the Red Cross

How Outcomes Stars are developed A collaborative process Scoping Recruit working group (20 to 30 people) and small steering group Workshop 1 1st draft of Star and second draft Workshop 2 4-6 month pilot Workshop 3 Final version of Star Publish PDFs and add to Star Online

For more information Website: Mail: Phone: +44(0) 207 272 8765 For more information about the Stars, research and evidence of their validity and other information please see