The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 Charlotte Stuffins Policy and Research, NCVO
Government Definition: “Social value seeks to maximise the additional benefit that can be created by procuring or commissioning services, above and beyond the benefit of merely the services themselves.”
Consider Social Value
Chris White MP: “The aim of the Act is to support community groups, voluntary organisations and social enterprises to win more public sector contracts.” “This dialogue will give a chance for new innovations to occur within public sector commissioning and drive-up standards.”
“Public sector commissioners were failing to recognise the social value of charities when awarding contracts. The Social Value Act may prove helpful in remedying the situation.”
Best Value Statutory Guidance (September 2011) Sets out the principles of social value and urges councils not to make disproportionate cuts to local charities. Has already been used to hold councils to account – 16 charities had their grants from Derby City Council extended after challenging with the Best Value Guidance.
NCVO welcomes the Social Value Act: It could lead to better services It could see more involvement of charities in public service design and delivery It is important to monitor the Act’s implementation and for charities to bring it to commissioners’ attention
Main impact and challenges of the Act: National Government – publicise the Act and promote good practice Local Government – train officers to improve commissioning processes and to engage better with communities Voluntary sector – understand and demonstrate social value effectively
For further information: Search “Social Value Act” on: Or contact me: 0207 520 2412 @ncvocharlotte