PHE National Update London Obesity Network meeting 21st September 2015
Obesity – One of PHE’s 7 Priorities Overview of framework Obesity – One of PHE’s 7 Priorities Our commitments Progress Work with NHS England on commitments to tackle obesity and type 2 diabetes Report and recommendations for government on sugar, based on evidence from SACN Run the C4L summer physical activity programme Support local authorities to deliver whole- system approaches to tackle obesity In progress Published July 2015 Campaign ran in July/Aug 2015 Commissioning in progress
Overview of framework Key areas of work Developing the evidence base on weight management services National mapping of access and provision of tier 2&3 services across the life course Commission evidence reviews to unpick effective components of interventions across the pathway and life course Begin to develop a blueprint for workplace weight management interventions based on pilots such as with the NHS workforce Develop a toolkit for the commissioning of effective interventions National Diabetes Prevention Programme Roll out a national diabetes prevention programme based on the best available evidence, in partnership with NHS England and Diabetes UK Realising a Whole systems approach to tackling obesity Commission a consortium to work collaboratively to develop set of tools, tried and tested at a local level, to support local authorities across England in implementing whole systems approaches Obesity Update
Mapping of weight management services update Overview of framework Mapping of weight management services update Data collection through face-to-face sessions and the e-survey was completed in May 2015. We are working on writing the reports for the mapping exercise. We are liaising with our colleagues in the Department and our internal communications teams on the publication date of the reports. 4 Obesity Update
The Current Obesity Pathway Tier 4 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 Overview of framework The Current Obesity Pathway Entry Routes Commissioning Authority BMI Eligibility Criteria Tier 4 Bariatric Surgery NHS Health Check BMI >50 BMI >40 or >35 with diabetes and Tier 3 failed NHS England National Child Measurement Programme Tier 3 Multidisciplinary Team Specialist service Quality and Outcomes Framework BMI >40 or >35 with diabetes Centile >98th Clinical Commissioning Groups GP 0-19 Team Nurses Self Tier 2 Lifestyle weight management services Commercial and non commercial Local Authorities BMI>25 Centile >91st Tier 1 Universal, environmental, population wide approaches Change4Life Local Authorities Healthy weight
Realising a whole systems approach to tackling obesity
Tackling the obesogenic environment Overview of framework Tackling the obesogenic environment Working with The Town and Country Planners Association (TCPA), PHE have jointly published ‘Planning Healthy- Weight – a TCPA reuniting health with planning project’. This toolkit looks at ways in which planning and development of the built environment can contribute to encouraging healthier populations, in particular when bringing forward different development types through the planning process. Workshops Aimed at planners and public health teams 11 workshops are planned this financial year
Sugar Reduction ‘ Responding to the Challenge’ PHE work programme Evidence reviews - fiscal measures; promotions; advertising Refresh “5 a day” campaign/eatwell plate Support DH in work with food industry Food procurement and public sector government buying standards for food (GBSF) Change4Life Local Authority good practice- looking at evidence of good and promising practice. Promote education and training for key professionals Local Champions 8 Obesity Update Public Health priorities for tackling obesity
The eatwell plate review
Why Healthier, More Sustainable Catering? The Department of Health estimates costs to the NHS of treating the health effects of poor diets to be around £5 billion per year Organisations serving or selling foods can enable positive changes to the diet of the nation by offering healthier, more sustainable food provision. For example: government departments, hospitals, residential care homes, local authorities, prisons, other workplaces and community venues such as temples, museums, educational establishment such as universities and further education colleges PHE guidance includes case studies from most of these settings
PHE catering guidance and tools – how can they can help?
Our supporting tools Information for commissioners Information for those involved in purchasing food and drink Government Buying Standards for Food and Catering Services (GBSF) checklist Nutrition checker tool Dietary Reference Value tool PHE's quick guide to healthy eating messages PHE healthier, more sustainable catering guidance and tools are available at: Obesity Update
Obesity work plan: five pillars for action Where future generations live in an environment, which promotes healthy weight and wellbeing as the norm and makes it easier for people to choose healthier diets and active lifestyles 1.Systems Leadership Influence local & national leaders raise the national debate influence political ambition maximise communication 2.Community Engagement enable behaviour change through social marketing drive social investment through local action support communities with tools on healthy eating & getting active to help reduce health inequalities 3.Monitoring & Evidence Base enhance surveillance, analysis & signposting of data tailor evidence to meet local needs - PHOF support effective commissioning & evaluation develop & communicate research to inform strategy promote evidence of good practice 4.Supporting Delivery support the obesity care pathway work with DsPH & CCGs support commissioning practical tools to help deliver healthier places; enable active travel 5.Obesogenic Environment develop long term, evidence based strategy to deliver a whole system approach to tackle the root causes of obesity and address health inequalities Tackle obesity, address the inequalities associated with obesity and improve wellbeing 13 Obesity Update Realising the development of a transferable and locally driven whole system approach to tackling obesity