Theme project guidelines (and the things I’m looking for)
Theme rules, CSPA style A unifying concept is present and is easily understood by the reader. Your theme makes sense and is easily followed through your three spreads (in several different ways) Theme/concept is reflective of the school and year. Your theme fits for Hagerty in 2010-11
Design rules – CSPA style Each spread features a dominant photo, several small photos where appropriate, copy and headline packaged as a unit, complete captions for all photos, consistent internal and external margins, and where appropriate, secondary coverage. Design of each section reflects the personality of that section but it always contemporary and readable. Your designs can break some rules to fit theme, BUT it should be clear that you know what the rules are. (Pica rule/internal margins, dominance, contrast)
Design rules, cont. Graphics have been included for specific purposes and do not interfere with readability. When you put things on your cover or spread, they should be part of the design, not just random things on a page (i.e. clip art) Copy and caption typography is appropriate in size and font and enhances readability. Caption and copy widths are appropriate for ease of readability. When you make blocks of copy, they should be consistent, easy to read, and good looking.
Basic grading Cover – 50 points Cover can be computer designed, hand drawn, or a mix Theme phrase and ‘Fusion 2011’ appear on the cover Theme is creative and appropriate Good use of color, font, graphics (remember words can be graphics) Cover shows a lot of effort! (for example, if it’s simple you’ve used creative materials) Basic grading
Basic grading Opening and Divider – 25 pts each Both spreads are completed on InDesign with a grid column setup Opening headline = theme Divider headline = spinoff Both spreads, while different, show several clear connections to the theme Basic rules of layout are followed, broken only to emphasize theme elements Good use of color, font, graphics Spreads shows a lot of effort! Basic grading