Marketing Strategies
WasteCap of Lincoln Marketing Strategy History/ Goals of the Program Services Special Events Partnerships Advertising Final Suggestions
WasteCap of Lincoln History INFORM created by local business community in 1992 WasteCap created as partnership of City of Lincoln and Lincoln Chamber of Commerce in 1994 INFORM = Industrial Nebraskans For Organized Recycling Management WasteCap and INFORM are now merged w/ INFORM serving as the WasteCap membership. Membership based organization with peer to peer networking providing basic market research and businesses information. Funding from grants, contracts, membership dues and special events. Program operates as a cooperative for recycling services
WasteCap of Lincoln WasteCap of Lincoln Goals Educate Businesses about Waste Reduction, Recycling and P2 Advocate Professional, cost-effective services Increase purchase of recycled content and EPP Facilitate partnerships Carrie’s Goal – Be on the cutting edge of recycling issues for businesses and emerge as leaders in the field
WasteCap of Lincoln Services On-site technical assistance Publications Training Special Events
Technical assistance Waste assessments Economic analysis Recycling Master Agreements Waste assessments – Word of mouth advertising, 20 per year, solid and universal waste Economic analysis – for implementing waste reduction/ recycling Recycling Master Agreements – Contract for discounted recycling services. Businesses saved over $90,000 in recycling fees in 2003
Publications Publications Recycling 101 Buy Recycled Service Providers Guidebook On-line P2 Toolkit Industry Specific Guides Computer Collection Planning Guide Cooperative Implementation Guide
Special Events 3 training opportunities/ year Business R&R Event Buy Recycled Electronics/ fluorescents Recycling 101 Business R&R Event Bi-annual event, 40 vendors, 250+ attendees
Special Events Electronics collections Talk & Tours 11 collections since 2001 >100K pounds collected Talk & Tours Two per year Memorial Stadium, Pfizer, Lazlo’s, LAP Mobile Environmental Education Center Fall 2004 opening
Partnerships Chamber of Commerce NICE NGOs- Keep Nebraska Beautiful, NSRA, Safety Council, NE Environmental Network, P2Ric, P2 roundtable, National Recycling Coalition EPA, NDEQ, LLCHD, NETF Service Providers LCOC - Business image, mailing lists, newsletter, access to CEO (i.e. decision makers) NICE – Access to EHS professionals, great networking/ word of mouth advertising, share mailing list NGO’s – Share mailing lists, help with projects, in-kind services Gov’t – funding, in-kind services, mailing lists, information, presentations Service providers – referrals, technical assistance, customer service, mail stuffers
Advertising Timeline Electronic Media Printed Media Networking
Marketing Timeline 15th of month prior to event 6 weeks prior E-mail Press Release to monthly publications 6 weeks prior send postcards, put postcard and press release on website, send e-mail announcement, mention in presentations/networking 4 weeks prior E-mail Press Release to bi-weekly publications, send brochure, mention in presentations/networking 1 week prior Press releases to local media, send attendee confirmations
Electronic Media E-newsletter (1/mo., 400-500 distribution) Press releases – 6 list serves Web site listing – Referral to website for additional information
Printed Media Targeted list development Postcards Brochures Flyers Advertise to your targeted audience (ie. EHS not CEOs) Postcards Teaser, 6 weeks prior, large/general mailing list Brochures More information, 4 weeks prior, smaller/more targeted list Most attendees (45-70%) of training events respond to direct mail or e-mail Flyers Bill stuffers, newsletter stuffers, 4-6 weeks prior Business Journals, Newspaper Nearly 75% of all participants in computer collections state that they heard about it in the newspaper!
Networking Conferences Partnerships Vendor shows - About 5 per year Workshops – Staff attends 3-5 per year, great marketing opportunity to target market Partnerships Mentioned earlier
Final Suggestions Networking is THE most effective form of advertising direct services and special events. Get the word out in every possible manner as many times as possible (direct mail, electronic, word-of-mouth, media) The timeline/marketing works! Events meet and exceed our expectations of participants! Timing of the issue helps bring people to events Be on the cutting edge and ahead of the game Know your targeted audience and direct marketing towards them.