Honor your parents!
Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the Lord your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12
God’s promise 『“Honor your father and mother" -- which is the first commandment with a promise -- 3. "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." 』 - Ephesians 6:2~3
Ten Commandments Love God more than you love anything else. Don’t make anything in your life more important than God Always say God’s name with love and respect. Honor the Lord by resting on the seventh day of the week. Love and Respect your Mom and Dad and your days will be long.
6. Never hurt anyone 7. Always be faithful to your husband or wife. 8 6. Never hurt anyone 7. Always be faithful to your husband or wife. 8. Don’t take anything that isn’t yours. 9. Always tell the truth 10. Be happy with what you have. Do not wish for other people’s things.
Goryeojang Ancient burial practice whereby an elderly is left to die in an open tomb.
What is honoring your father Forgive them -There are no perfect parents -All parents have fallen far short of their children’s expectations, even their own expectations. -They have made unwise decisions -They have said and done things that have left us deeply wounded. -”Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34)
Speak well of them - Refuse to speak evil of them - Bible tells us that our words have the power to extend honor of dishonor. - Penalty for cursing parents is the same as the penalty for assaulting them (Exodus 21:15-17)
Esteem them publicly and privately -Parents long to see how they have impacted their children, how their children are a reflection of their strengths, their values. -”You know, everything I really ever learned about saving money I learned from you. -”You know, Dad, that was one thing you always taught me that I really, really appreciated.”
Seek their Wisdom -The bible constantly associates youth with folly and age with wisdom (Proverbs 20:29) and tells us that those who have lived longer lives have generally accumulated greater wisdom. -We should lean on them for understanding, to seek their input when faced with major decisions.
Support them -Doesn’t have to be financial support. -Do not isolate them -Give them moral support -Do not leave them alone. -Assure them that we will care for them. -This is our responsibility and it ought to be our joy.
Provide for them -Finally, we can honor our parents by providing them financially. -Our society is becoming nuclear family -When children are young, parents nurse, sacrifice, and provide for them. -Jesus tells us to care for our parents.