Research Methodology Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D.
RESEARCH TOPIC Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Problem! A question raised for inquiry, consideration or solution A complex unsettled question Source: Webster’s 7th New Collegiate Dictionary Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
What do we do with Problems? Ignore them Talk about them Try to solve them Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Problem? Can it be enthusiastically pursued? Can interest be sustained by it? Is the problem solvable? Is it worth doing? Will it lead to other research problems? Is it manageable in size? What is the potential for making an original contribution to the literature in the field? If the problem is solved, will the results be reviewed well by scholars in your field? Are you, or will you become, competent to solve it? By solving it, will you have demonstrated independent skills in your discipline? Will the necessary research prepare you in an area of demand or promise for the future? Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
What is a Research Problem? It is a problem that someone would like to investigate. It is considered a situation that needs to be changed or addressed. These problems consist of: Areas of concern Conditions to be improved Difficulties to be eliminated Questions seeking answers Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
3 types of topics Topics about groups (preschool children, cats, grandmothers, police officers) Topics about a particular behavior (bullying , math anxiety, overeating) General topics ( job stress, personality, learning, motivation) Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Six sources of research topics 1. Personal interest (your favorite course, subject, topic) Using computers in teaching, 2. Information/observation (any behavior that arouses your curiosity) Lack of black women in science majors 3. Practical problems (problems in your class, school, job) Six students failed in my last semester’s course 4. Pop ups -fleeting thoughts (falling apples) 5. Readings (books, magazines, web sites, even cartoons, advertisements) 6. Theories (theories that predict a behavior- opposing theories for the same behavior) General & Multiple Intelligence theories Learning Styles Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
The Research Problem In educational research, the research problem is typically posed as a question. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Evaluating the problem Effectiveness (can I find an answer?) Why are black and Latino students behind white and Asians academically? Significance (need, importance) Is there a difference between freshman and junior students in their color preferences? Originality ( already done) Which one is more effective? Phonic or holistic approach to reading? Is parental involvement effective in students’ progress? Does technology help learning? Feasibility (competent, access to data, cost, time, difficulties (lack of cooperation) Longitudinal study of Jewish students in k-12 Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Factors to consider in Selecting a Research Problem The topic should be important (significant) Writing a thesis or dissertation is an exercise to learn how to conduct research. However, graduate students can learn the research process on an important topic just as easy as learning the research process on daily topic! Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
More Factors to Consider… Consider the feasibility of the project. How much time do you have available Do you really want to do a longitudinal study that will take 3 years to complete for a MS thesis? How difficult is it. Are data available? How much will it cost? Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
More Factors… Make sure the topic is ethical to study. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Factors to Consider in Selecting a Research Problem You should have a personal interest in the topic. By the time you are done, you may really be tired of the topic Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
More Factors to Consider… The “newness” of the topic may hold you interest longer, however there is some value in repeating previous research Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
More Factors… Make sure the research question is clear. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Researchable vs. Non-researchable Questions Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Writing Clear Questions Don’t use words open to interpretation Humanistic, teacher centered classroom Be very specific 4-H agents, not extension agents It is measurable End of Course Test Scores, not learning Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Defining Terms There are 3 ways to clarify important terms or meaning in a research question: 1) use of constitutive definition (the dictionary approach) 2) use of proper example(s) 3) use of operational definition (specifying operations used to measure or identify examples of the term) Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
How does one find topics to research? Become a scholar in an area of specialization Read, listen, discuss and think critically Follow up on ideas that stem from present research Explore areas of dissatisfaction Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Steps in “Zeroing In” on a Problem Identify a broad area that interests you Read the literature Narrow the area to 2 or 3 topics Thoroughly examine the literature on the 2-3 topics Select a single problem from 2-3 topics Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Refining the Topic The topic has to be “sized”! Generally this means reducing the scope of the topic, occasionally it might be expanded. Graduate students often select topics that are too broad Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
I want to research the effect of providing immediate feedback to university students! Way too general and broad! Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Refining the Topic The topic has to be “clarified”! The topic needs to reworded so that it states clearly and unambiguously the matter to be investigated, the variables to be investigated, and participants, if any, that will be involved. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
I want to research the impact of providing immediate feedback via e-Instruction responders in RM graduate classes! Much Better! Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Refining the Topic A series of research questions or one or more hypotheses, or both, should be stated. Such questions and hypotheses orient the study, add cohesiveness, and are essential in helping solve the problem. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Increase student learning? Improve student evaluations of classes? Does the use of e-Information responders to provide immediate feedback to graduate students in RM classes: Increase student learning? Improve student evaluations of classes? Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
It is hypothesized that: Graduate students in RM classes who use the e-Instruction responders will score higher on mid-term and final exams than graduate students in RM classes who do not use the e-Instruction responders. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
It is further hypothesized that: Graduate RM classes in which e-Instruction responders are used will have higher course evaluations than will graduate RM classes in which the e-Instruction responders were not used. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Differences among the Topic, Problem, Purpose, and Questions General Topic Distance learning Research Problem Lack of students in distance classes To study why students do not attend distance education classes at a community college Purpose Statement Does the use of interactive web pages help to increase students’ enrollment in distance education classes? Research Question Specific Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
(Statement of the problem – Research problem) Hypothesis Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
HOW TO NARROW A RESEARCH TOPIC Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
When your research topic is too broad, ask yourself these questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Let’s see how this works with an example: eating disorders This topic is too broad (general) to write about in a short paper. We need to make it narrower (more specific). Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Who? TOPIC: EATING DISORDERS Populations Age NEW TOPIC: Eating disorders in elderly females Gender Race or Ethnicity Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
What? TOPIC: EATING DISORDERS Types Anorexia NEW TOPIC: Anorexia in elderly females Bulimia Compulsive eating Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
When? TOPIC: EATING DISORDERS Timeframes Current or historical view NEW TOPIC: Bulimia in middle-aged females Period of life Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Where? TOPIC: EATING DISORDERS Places States NEW TOPIC: Anorexia in Australian women Regions Countries Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Why? TOPIC: EATING DISORDERS Evaluate Causes NEW TOPIC: Successful methods for treatment of compulsive eating Treatments Outcomes Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Mix n’ Match Combine any number of elements that you derive from asking these questions until you find an interesting topic to research. Some examples: Causes and treatment of anorexia in college athletes Prevalence of bulimia in teen-age males in the United States Changes in treatment for compulsive overeaters, 1950-present. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
LITERATURE REVIEW Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
The purpose of a lit review Each research study is part of an existing body of knowledge Your study should be a logical extension of past research Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Worst scenario Making a list of unrelated or related but fragmented research articles,. Jackson (2007) said….. Betty (2009) said…. Thomas (1998) conducted a study about…. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
New research grows out of old Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Literature Map You may use a literature map before start writing your literature review. A map helps you convey to others , the current picture of the literature on a topic. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Study Abroad Programs U.S. Programs The Need for Teaching Programs to Be Culturally Responsive Bennett, 1995; Eastman, Smith, 1991; Grant 1994; Noel, 1995 Study Abroad Programs U.S. Programs Possible Improvements Martin, Rohrlich , 1991; Stachowski, 1991 Personal Insights of Preservice Teachers Cockrell, Placier, Cockrell, Middleton, 1999; Goodwin, 1997; Kea, Bacon, 1999 Attitudes Toward Study Abroad King, Young,1994 Conventional Programs Colville-Hall, Macdonald, Smollen, 1995; Rodriguez, Sjostrom, 1995; Vavrus, 1994 Need for Further Study: Non-English Speaking Cultures Question: Do short-term study abroad programs in non-English speaking cultures help create cultural responsiveness in preservice teachers? Cross-Cultural Programs Cooper, Beare, Thorman, 1990; Larke, Wiseman, Bradley, 1990 Predominately English Speaking Cultures Mahan, Stachowski, 1990; Quinn, Barr, McKay, Jarchow, Powell, 1995; Vall, Tennison, 1992 Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
The purpose of lit review The purpose of your literature review is to provide the elements needed for directing (not just to justify) your own research study. Your literature review should help the reader to predict the purpose of your research before you say it. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Mismatch of goal and lit review Goal= study the effect of internet on aggressive behavior Literature= teenagers and their social issues or the advancement of technology gender gap racial differences. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Tips on lit review Start with a web(Wikipedia) or some thing to get the whole picture or a review research Make list of correct terms keywords, or subject words (foster care not foster home, cyber bully not internet bully ) Find key people or key authors Use advanced search You may start with a journal article and then search for the references in the article. Use an outline or a research map. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Final words 1- Get a complete reference for each article. (Use RefWorks) 2- If it is a web site get the URL or DOI (digital object identifier). 3- Find suggestions for further research. 4- Criticize, modify , or extend an existing research. 5- Combine or contrast existing results. 6- Look for gaps or contradictions. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Homework 3 Please find problems, which can be your research topic (at least 5 topics), and make a literature map for each topic. Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Qualitative Research Methods Case study Grounded theory Phenomenology Ethnography Historical Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Quantitative Research Methods Descriptive Correlational Quasi-experimental Experimental Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018
Questions? Yun Seon Kim, Ph.D. 6/24/2018