Post 16 courses – what is changing?
Key People Mr Doyle – Head of Sixth Form Mr Howarth – Assistant Head of Sixth Form Ms Smith – Assistant Head of Sixth Form Mr Blyth – School Based Careers Ms Philpot – Independent Careers
Three Pathways A' level – changing significantly IB Diploma – changing slightly IBCP – no change
A' level now Year 12 4 AS in Year 12 Results contribute towards A2 AS Level carries 50% of full UCAS points 8 hours teaching a fortnight Note January modules have already gone Year 13 Three A Levels in Year 13 (most) One AS Level already completed in Y12 Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) for some All above count for the UCAS points
Reformed A' levels AS and A2 have been de-coupled i.e. AS no longer counts towards the A’ Level Reformed A’ levels are examined entirely at the end of Year 13 – nothing else contributes other than coursework in some subjects A’ level courses will have increased rigour and subject knowledge There are structural differences between many AS courses and full A’ level courses which makes co-teaching in Year 12 a challenge AS is now worth only 40% of the full A’ level for UCAS tariff points EPQ is worth 50% of the full A’ level for UCAS points
Why is A’ level changing Perception that A’ level has been progressively dumbed down Perception that a modular approach is too easy and that linear assessment is preferable Universities complaining that it is impossible to distinguish between candidates at the upper end of the achievement scales This change has been nationally driven
Reform Schedule New AS and A level to be taught from: First AS results will be issued in: First A level results will be issued in: Subjects September 2015 Summer 2016 Summer 2017 art and design biology business chemistry computer science English language English literature history physics psychology September 2016 Summer 2018 drama and theatre geography modern foreign languages (French, German, Spanish) music physical education religious studies September 2017 Summer 2019 design and technology further mathematics mathematics media studies philosophy
A’ level at Dallam from 2017 All students will choose 3 full A’ levels (not 4) We will not offer AS levels We will offer the EPQ or a suitable alternative – timetabled to all students A’ levels will have increased time in Year 12 – 9 hours per fortnight to address increased rigour and subject knowledge
Why no AS qualifications? Only worth 40% of full A’ level for UCAS Difficult to teach alongside the full A’ level and too costly to teach separately Universities will only be asking for 3 A’ levels More time to study three will help maximise students potential to achieve well The majority of other local schools will follow this pattern If we offered AS we could not increase teaching time in Year 12
Can we do 4 Full A’ levels? Possibly but: This would mean no timetabled study time at all in Year 12 Only if we can timetable the combination you want Very demanding Not required by universities Our advice would be not to do 4 other than in most exceptional circumstances (e.g. maths & further maths + two others) If you want greater breadth of subjects IB might be a better choice
What are the alternatives IB Diploma – 3 subjects at Higher level (roughly A’ level equivalent) 3 subjects at Standard level (roughly AS equivalent) Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Community Action Service (CAS) Extended Essay Note from 2017 you may be able to mix and match IB and A’ level qualifications if we can timetable this.
IBCP One level 3 BTEC (currently offering Travel & Tourism, Health & Social Care, ICT, Outdoor Education) 2 Standard level IB courses Beginners Italian or Sign Language Service Learning and Reflective project.
What Next? September -1:1 interviews for all students with a senior leaders – parents invited as well – identify different post 16 options 10th November - Year 11 Parents’ Evening 17th November - Sixth Form Open Evening – application process opens 28th Nov to 2nd Dec – Mock GCSE examinations 20th January – Mock Results Day 17th February – Sixth Form applications deadline March - Further interviews as necessary w/c 3rd April - options choices confirmed to students
…thank you for listening