By: Vitali Kublashvili Lesson 10 Vocabulary By: Vitali Kublashvili
Synonym- Elaborate, Clear Up, Dilate Antonym- Muddle, Confuse, Shorten Expound To explain in detail; To clarify Synonym- Elaborate, Clear Up, Dilate Antonym- Muddle, Confuse, Shorten To make a detailed statement, Ms. Kopp was expounding on her favorite topic.
Cajole To persuade with false promises and flattery Synonym- Coax, Wheedle, Sway Antonym- Dissuade, Deter, Compel He cajoled his younger brother into doing his chores.
Inscrutable Not easily understood; Hard to fathom Synonym- enigmatic, mysterious, puzzling Antonym- obvious, evident, apparent The killer left no clues, and the murder remains an inscrutable mystery.
Balk To refuse stubbornly or abruptly; to stop short and refuse to go on. Synonym- hesitate, object, resist Antonym- agree, continue, proceed When the officers where arresting a possible suspect she balked and refused to put the handcuffs on.
Acrimony Ill-natured, bitter hostility Synonym- Animosity, Harshness, Bitterness Antonym- Friendliness, Kindness, Politeness Many people where shocked when they found out that Chris Brown used acrimony behavior by beating his girlfriend Rihanna.
Dour Stern and ill-humored Synonym- forbidding, dismal, dreary Antonym- pleasant, bright, happy The teacher was being dour by not letting the kids work together.
Exult To rejoice; To feel triumphant Synonym- Celebrate, Cheer, Delighted Antonym- grieve, mourn, sad When the MVP trophy was announced Shaq exulted in his victory.
Omniscient Having unlimited knowledge; All-knowing Synonym- Almighty, wise, knowledgeable Antonym- Unknowing, Unintelligent, Stupid Isaac Newton is known as a very omniscient scientist for discovering the law of gravity.
Feasible Reasonable; Capable of being carried out Synonym- Possible, Doable, Achievable Antonym- Unworkable, Impossible, Unlikely Most American voters voted for president Obama because they believed in his feasible ideas to restore the country and its economy.
Fiasco A complete, ridiculous failure Synonym- Disaster, Breakdown, Error Antonym- Success, Miracle, Benefit Electing president Bush to a 2nd term was a fiasco.
Métier Synonym- forte, Profession, career The work one is especially suited for; Ones specialty; An occupation Synonym- forte, Profession, career Anonym- Weakness, Inability, Frailty Because of Yao Ming's height his métier is basketball.
Fluctuate To rise and fall; To vary irregularly Synonym- Waver, Vacillate, Alternate Antonym- Stabilize, Remain, Persist Gas prices have been fluctuating over the past year.
Harry To annoy or harass Synonym- Bother, Pester, Tease Antonym- Soothe, Assist, Support William Hungs American idol addition harried the judges.
Incognito Disguised; Pretending not to be oneself. Synonym- anonymous, unknown, camouflaged Antonym- Unhidden, Known, Identified Many teenagers have incognito identities so they can participate in elderly activities.
Lethargy Lack of energy; sluggishness Synonym- Torpor, Lassitude, Dullness Antonym- Vitality, Vigor, Thrilling In the Simpons, do to his laziness Homer Simpson is known as a very lethargic character.