Sustainable rural development through organic production encouragement in state and local strategies in Bulgaria Organic production creates strong connections between rural and urban areas and has great social and financial benefits for both. The main problem is to create the right framework for this joint development. The organic agricultural activities in the country are mostly implemented by small and medium enterprises and farmers. That way they could not reach the levels needed for gaining market advantages. The market opportunities are big but the risks are even bigger. The profit in agricultural sector is low as a principle and this impedes the production increase. It is necessary an agricultural system to be established which to support the close connections to producers and to improve the innovation activities. Now, when we are on the way to the new program period and when data were already collected and analyzed in order to make the new strategic and program documents, the question if these data and analyses were objective or enough is very important. This paper presents a qualitative assessment rather that a quantitative. It proposes a simple method of identification of the most problematic fields which should be paid attention to when formulating strategic priorities and goals. Although in progress organic production is not enough for the moment to give the needed rise in rural development. The regions and municipalities’ support especially in respect to providing information and motivation is crucial in this process. The state should create the favorable environment – permanently updated legislation and policies, information campaigns, opportunities for training, research, technology transfer, good practices exchange, effective control with an accent on risks’ evaluation and prevention, etc. The encouragement of entrepreneurship in organic farming is closely connected to encouragement measures in processing industry. The development of organic production in the county should be connected to alternative tourism development too providing the great opportunities for this integrated development. The main problems could be formulated as follows: current strategic documents and key structures in private, state and non-governmental sectors lack coordination. Furthermore they are far away from the problems of organic producers, processors and traders and all this results in all the inadequate measures of support. First, organic stakeholders should unite and collaborate by networking – something that is not well understood in the country and underestimated for now. SWOT-analyses of rural development through organic production encouragement Strengths Points (1-10) Weaknesses Macroeconomic stability 8 Negative demographic processes Legislative and strategic framework Uneven distribution of towns in the regions 7 EU programs participation 6 Significant differences in social and economic development of the municipalities in the regions Natural and climatic conditions 9 Old production technologies Traditions and image Low local and foreign investments Human resources Bad connection science-business Network of protected areas, rich biodiversity, natural and cultural heritage, conserved identity of regions High fragmentariness of arable agricultural land 5 Comparatively good infrastructure and key position of the country Low level of motivation Education and training Low development of processing industry Natural and anthropogenic tourist resources High export of raw materials Opportunities Threats Funding priorities in the new program period Continuing negative impacts of the financial and economic crisis Regional collaboration programs Politic instability and decreased attractiveness for investments Construction of new transport corridors Increased competitive pressure Support for clusters Low level of development of rural areas Tourism development Abandonment of rural areas Demand for healthy products Negative impacts of globalization and climatic changes Access to new knowledge and innovative technology Improper implementation of strategic and program documents Achievement of sustainable development Ineffective use of EU funding Connecting urban demand with rural areas development Industrial and other wastes pollution Entering new markets Improper use of natural resources Figure 2. Evaluation of the implementation of strategic goals I. Achieving sustainable development and competitive economy II. Building quality infrastructure III. Providing quality education and scientific research activities IV. Creating favorable business environment V. Increasing competitiveness of agriculture, food industry and forestry VI. Protection natural resources and improving natural environment VII. Increasing employment opportunities and improving life quality in rural regions VIII. Protecting bio and landscape diversity IX. Overcoming intra and inter regional differences and achieving balanced territorial development X. Coordination and synchronization of sector policies with regional development policies Figure 4. Evaluation of organic production development in connection to rural development Organic production as a way of achieving sustainable rural growth could be determined in the three main aspects of sustainable development as follows: economic sustainability – increasing competitiveness, string market orientation and increased incomes; social sustainability – bigger responsibility towards consumers’ demands, improving food quality and safety; regional development; ecologic sustainability – unified framework, effective implementation and control, standards of protection of environment and health. Figure 3. Evaluation of organic production development in connection to rural development I. Soil & climatic conditions, natural resources II. Financial, material and labor resources III. Level of environmental protection IV. Processing industry, tourism, trade V. Legislation, policies and strategies VI. Social and demographic processes VII. Even regional development VIII. Education and vocational training IX. Science and technology X. Administration, extended services Ekaterina Arabska University of Agribusiness and Rural Development – Plovdiv, Bulgaria