Star Students Calendar 12/22-1/4 Winter Break 1/16 – MLK Jr. Day/ No Enter Date Literacy This week we will continue daily practice of our Jolly Phonics sounds and sight words. Please continue to support this at home daily. Our book of the week is “The Gift” and the sight word is “it”. In Reading Workshop students will continue in the Fiction Unit of Study. We will be comparing & contrasting two familiar fairy tales that we have read: “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and “3 Billy Goats Gruff”. The students will be looking for book features that are the same and ones that are different. In Writing Workshop students will continue in the List & Labels Unit. We will read books that model different styles of writing that use the list an label format. Please remember to have your child return their Book Bags each week in order to get a new book. Calendar 12/22-1/4 Winter Break 1/16 – MLK Jr. Day/ No School 1/20 – Institute Day/ No 2/10 – Valentine’s Day Parties Birthdays No Birthdays this Week! Math This week students will compare lengths. They will have a straw and use it to compare to classroom objects. They will use words such as “shorter than” and “longer than”. Students will also look at the number zero and what it means. We will practice counting back to zero from a given number and how many we would need to add to zero to get to a greater number. Students will also continue to work with identifying, writing, and counting objects for numbers 11-20. The “teen numbers” can be tricky for some students. I have attached the website for some of the teen number songs that we have been using in class. Star Students 12/5 Desi 12/6 Joshua 12/7 Nicky 12/8 Muhammad 12/9 Simone *Star student gets to bring in a show and tell.