Review of EU Information 2008 Ian Thomson University of Zagreb: Faculty of Law Library: Seminar: Keeping up-to-date 28 October 2008
Structure of talk EU Information and Communication Policy Interactive Communication European Transparency Initiative Access to documents Better, simpler and more accessible legislation Further developments
Public opinion and Europe: Elections, referendums and surveys
EU information and communication policy: Warnings … warning to all European politicians. We must close the gap between the people and the policymakers Margot Wallström European citizens need to feel a far greater sense of ‘ownership’ of the European political process John Palmer Decision makers must: ‘listen better, explain better and connect with citizens’ Margot Wallström
EU information and communication policy: Key messages Duty of the EU to inform, consult and involve (to listen) Right of the ‘citizen’ and ‘stakeholder’ to be informed, consulted and involved (to know) Listening – Communicating – Go local Use all forms of media
EU information and communication policy: Recent developments Action Plan to Improve Communicating Europe, July 2005 Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate, October 2005 White Paper on a European Communication Policy, January 2006 Communication: Communicating Europe in Partnership, October 2007 Communication: Communicating about Europe via the Internet: Engaging the Citizen, December 2007 Communication: Debate Europe…,April 2008 Action Plan on Communicating Europe through Audio-Visual Media, April 2008
Interactive Communication: Participatory democracy initiatives
Interactive Communication: Participatory democracy initiatives
Interactive Communication: Participatory democracy initiatives
European Transparency Initiative Transparency of recipients of EU funds particularly agriculture and structural funds [Beneficiaries of grants] [CAP] Transparency of interests in EU Institutions especially EP and Commission [2008 report] [EO on EP, July 2008] Transparency in the fight against fraud in the EU budget Transparency of interests of lobbyists Lobbying has a role / Who do they lobby? Are all lobbyists equal / Registration 2008: Register of Interest Representatives launched [COM (2008)323]
European Transparency Initiative
European Transparency Initiative
Access to EU documents Why access to documents is considered important : accountability Regulation (EC) 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, May 2001 Green Paper Review of 1049/2001, April 2007 New proposal, April 2008 [Statewatch Observatory]
Access to EU documents
Better Regulation Reduced legislative activity - ‘Better regulation’ Better quality legislation after consultation Impact assessments Better quality drafting - Explanatory memorandum Greater use of alternative legislative instruments Consolidation, codification and recasting Simplification Making Community law more accessible EUR-LEX, PRELEX, OEIL etc
Other developments… Some new & revised websites
Documents Publications Other developments… Electronic availability of older EU publications and documents Documents Publications