Gender strategy Sub-title
Purpose URBAN-WASTE is committed to integrating eco- innovative and gender-sensitive waste prevention and management strategies in cities with high levels of tourism in order to reduce urban waste production and improve municipal waste management; MMLP to develop gender sensitive eco-innovative strategies; URBAN-WASTE will put in place a series of activities for gender mainstreaming in the waste strategies it designs. Urban Waste presentation title
In order to develop gender sensitive eco-innovative strategies… Transversal embedding of gender considerations Gender in the ‘urban metabolism’ Gender in ICT Establishing a gender sensitive database Researching gender differences in waste and tourism (focus groups, surveys) Intersectionality Use of the data in the design of waste prevention and management measures Facilitating the acquisition of gender awareness and gender sensitivity Gendering stakeholder engagement and mutual learning Gender supporting activity Contributing to the state of the art of knowledge on the role of gender in tourism and waste management Working in a gender sensitive way (in the project and the pilots) Gender balanced teams Gender sensitive working practices Urban Waste presentation title
Gender mainstreaming in the pilots Working in a gender sensitive way In-house Diverse and gender balanced teams Gender sensitive working practices With stakeholders Gender sensitive consulting/participation (are there women and men involved from different backgrounds, ages, ethnic and religious groups?) Gender sensitive innovations innovations as a result of gender equality Do a gender impact assessment on existing strategies, or start with an analysis of social and environmental inequalities/problems which innovations can address Share good practice Urban Waste presentation title
Feedback Where pilots have made changes to gender balance of staff, stakeholders, community participants? On MMLPs: be attentive to gendered participation Inclusiveness – do all those present get an equal chance to speak? Record what is said by whom Worth audio recording? Build gender training/support through WP4 bilaterals Urban Waste presentation title
Examples of gender sensitive waste management innovations SEED gender award LOOP – Life Out Of Plastic Days for Girls Solid waste management and community mobilisation program Women’s Environmental Network, UK Real nappy campaign ‘Enviromenstrual’ campaign For environmentally and humanly safe sanitary products (sanpro) With ‘Periodwatch’ - to end tax on sanpro and to provide products for low income women including refugees West Sussex, UK Where having a woman in a management position had a direct impact on diversion of waste from landfill/incineration: Introduced a ‘real nappy service’ with a laundry service, free for families on low income Urban Waste presentation title
Potential for gender sensitive waste management innovations Surveys & focus groups confirm gender norms women more likely to be in lower paid jobs in hospitality industry involving cleaners, kitchen staff as stakeholders will give a practical perspective on waste be mindful that waste management strategies likely to have different impacts on these staff men recycle less/fewer materials, but more likely to use apps/ICT strategies to appeal to different roles; involve men & women of different ages/backgrounds female waste workers more likely to favour ‘soft’ waste reduction facilities ensure men and women waste workers in equal numbers Waste behaviour on holiday a weaker version of home practice most tourist respondents willing to do more with better facilities/information Involve men and women as stakeholders/consultees peer pressure on young men in groups not to sort waste Involve young men as stakeholders/consultees Urban Waste presentation title
Gender supporting activities Establishing a gender equal workplace Establishing a gender sensitive database Gender sensitive stakeholder participation Eco-innovation through gender equality Gender mainstreaming strategies Design/implementation/evaluation/development Gender impact assessment Gender budgeting Suggestions/requests from pilots? Urban Waste presentation title
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