Based on its structure Based on how it used Types of sentences Based on its structure Based on how it used Simple sentence Compound sentence Complex sentence Compound-Complex Declarative sentence Imperative sentence Interrogative sentence Exclamatory sentence
What is sentence? Sentence simply means a group of words that is structured. And it is consist only by a subject and a verb Example : I’m reading a book
What does Simple Sentence actually means? The most basic type of sentence. Consist by a subject and a verb. Here is a few examples: Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius. Joe waited for the train. I’m doing my homework.
What is Compound Sentence? “A sentence type that consist of two or more independent clause” Connected by a coordinating conjunctions (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So). Examples: I am hungry, and I am thirsty. Krobelus found a lot of expired food, but he didn’t get rid of it. Lanaya rarely studies, yet she passed the semester
What is Complex Sentence? A complex sentence is made up of an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. What is dependent clause actually means? A dependent clause is similar to an independent clause, or complete sentence, but it lacks one of the elements that would make it a complete sentence. Examples: “because Jon left the school first.” “although he passed the semester.” “after she did the homework.”
Dependent clause’s subordinating conjunctions •after •although •because •before •even though •since •though •unless •while
Examples of complex sentence The dependent clauses may go first in the sentence, followed by an independent clause, examples: When dependent clause comes first, a comma should be used to seperate the two clauses. Because Jon left the school first, Sansa didn’t see him in the classroom. Although he passed the semester, Richard never studied.
Examples of complex sentence Reversely, the independent clauses can go first in the sentence, followed by the dependent clause, examples: When independent clause comes first, a comma should not be used in the sentence to seperate the two clauses. Sansa didn’t see Jon in the classroom because he left the school first. Richard never studied although he passed the semester.
What does Compound-Complex sentence actually looks like? Compound-complex sentence is a mixed sentence of compound sentence and complex sentence. For example : Andra found a lot of expired food but he didn’t get rid of it, because he was too busy.
Here are a few examples: Declarative Sentence A sentence that is used for a statement or to express an opinion. In other means, it simply makes a declaration. This type of sentence ends with a period (.). Here are a few examples: I want to be a good husband. (makes a statement) Jon is a noble warrior to me. (expresses an opinion)
These are some few examples: Imperative Sentence An imperative sentence gives a command or sometimes makes a request. It ends with a period but can, under some circumstances, ends with an exclamation point. These are some few examples: Open the door, please. Please sit down. I need you to sit down!
Interrogative Sentence An interrogative sentence asks a question. This type of sentence begins with 5H + 1H or sometimes use “do”, and it ends with question mark. Examples: Who is the man wearing blue jacket? When do we end our relationship as a friend? Do you know about Marcus Rashford?
Exclamatory Sentence An exclamatory sentence is a sentence that express great emotion such as excitement, surprise, happiness, anger, and ends with an exclamation point. Examples : I got an A on my book report! What a beautiful scenery it is! I can’t believe she is a serial-killer!
End of the line. Thank you for your attentiveness! “Make your presentation as perfect as you can, so nobody can throw you a hard question”