Using Donor Newsletters to Bond Donors with Your Non-Profit While Covering Costs
What Goes Into a Donor Newsletter Stories about what the donor’s money has allowed the non-profit to accomplish Stories about challenges the non-profit faces that the donor can help with Development Department Information for Donors Other Information that allows donor to get-to-know the non-profit.
What Shouldn’t Go Into a Donor Newsletter All the content High production value A hard ask letter A non-ask letter
Where do you find cool content for your newsletter?
Where do you find cool content for your newsletter?
Where do you find cool content for your newsletter?
Where do you find cool content for your newsletter? From “the Field”
Where do you find cool content for your newsletter? Feature your donors!
How does a donor newsletter fit into your direct mail calendar Institutional – Membership, Challenge Grant, Monthly Giving, Annual Appeal, etc.. 4-6 x per year Program/Project – Thanksgiving Food Drive, Send-A-Kid to Camp, Care Packages for Troops 4-6 x per year Newsletter- 4-6 x Per Year...some do monthly.
How to utilize donor newsletters in multiple channels * Direct mail
How to utilize donor newsletters in multiple channels * Email
How to utilize donor newsletters in multiple channels * Social
How to utilize donor newsletters in multiple channels * Website
Who do you send your newsletter to? Typical donor segmentation HPC $25+, MRC L12 mos. Test mailing lower dollar donors Test mailing beyond L12 mos. Donations Ideally this is a small net income profit generator Want to avoid showing up in the loss column come budget time
How to structure a newsletter – Cover Story
How to structure a newsletter – Interior
How to structure a newsletter – Interior
Use the back cover as a communications channel for the Development Dept.
What type of Dev. Dept. Content to include
What type of Dev. Dept. Content to include
Letter with the newsletter, flying package
Letter with the newsletter, soft-ask
Production Specifications Carrier: 6x9-1/4”size, DOUBLE-WINDOW OE, Left-Win size: 2x3-1/8h”; pos: 3/4L, 5/8B; Right-Win size: 4-1/2x1-1/4h pos: 3-5/8L, 5/8B; 24lb White Wove, prints PMS+Black; 2/0, No Bleeds, Gum for Live. BRE (4-versions): #9 size; 8-7/8x 3-7/8h, closed-face, 24lb White Wove; prints Black, 1/0; No Bleeds, Letter/Reply: 1-sheet/2-page, 8-1/2 x 14”; 60lb White Offset; prints PMS+Black/Black, 2/1. No Bleeds; Blind HORIZONTAL PERF appx 3” from bottom; Short-fold on Perf and then In-Half after SIMPLEX Personalization (flies the package). Monthly Generic Newsletter: 1 sheet/4 page 8-1/2x11-page size (11x17 Flat); 60lb White Offset; printsPMS+PMS+Black/PMS+PMS+Black, 3/3, No Bleeds; fold to 8-1/2x 11”, then folds to 8-1/2x 5-1/2” head-out.—WE WILL PRINT A NEW VERSION at each mailing Data Processing: Convert (1) Files, No NCOA needed, CASS Certify, Presort; Zip+4; must be Merlin compliant; Append IMB’s for furnished TrackMyMail mail tracking, add Seeds each group. Mailshop: No-Match; Simplex Laser Letter and Reply; Fold components; Insert 3 components from Back to Front: Newsletter (faces-back), BRE (faces-back), Reply (faces-front-flys package). Affix Non-Profit METER POSTAGE at lowest commingle rate. Commingle mail. Must Approve 2-Live Samples before mailing.
How does mail qty. compare Mail Qty. Equal to About 75% of normal House Direct Mail Qty. Not intentionally trying to reach that percentage just requesting a less “bullish” segmentation of their donors
How do donor newsletters perform - short term? $1.50-$2.00 ROI (How many dollars raised for every dollar spent.)
How do donor newsletters perform - short term? $1.50-$2.00 ROI (How many dollars raised for every dollar spent.) Some clients who are very project focused raise great money from newsletters, $5.00 ROI and up, BUT that is not the norm, nor the primary goal.
How do Donor Newsletters perform - short term? $1.50-$2.00 ROI (How many dollars raised for every dollar spent.) Versus direct ask appeals which range from $2.00 up.
How do Donor Newsletters perform - short term? $1.50-$2.00 ROI (How many dollars raised for every dollar spent.) Versus direct ask appeals which range from $2.00 up. Intentionally leaving SHORT TERM NET on table.
How do Donor newsletters perform - long term?
How do Donor newsletters perform - long term? One client saw donor retention increase 17% in the year after they began mailing the newsletter.
Questions? James Lawrence Sean Finnegan Vice-President Client Services Online Marketing Manager Lawrence Direct Marketing Inc. Lawrence Direct Marketing Inc. @LawDirectMktng @LawrenceDirect Lawrence Direct Marketing Inc.