Major Academic Plan (MAP) Associate in Arts BA in Theatre (67 credits) Theatre and Film Department College of Arts, Letters, and Education Why study Theatre? The EWU theatre program offers classroom study as well as hands- on experience in every phase of theatrical production, including acting, directing, singing, costuming, and technical and design skills. Three productions a year are staged in the University Theatre, ranging from classical to modern plays. Scholarship Opportunity Each year the Theatre Program offers a number of Angel Scholarships, in the amount of $1,000, to help offset the cost of tuition. Graduating high school seniors and prospective EWU theatre majors are eligible for the scholarship. Applications can be found at and sent to: Sara Goff Assistant Professor of Acting and Directing 509.359.6671 Requirements to Begin the Major High School graduates and community college transfer students who want to major in Theatre should possess high verbal aptitude and effective skills in reading and writing. Moreover, Theatre majors should possess an attitude of teamwork, strong self-discipline, and a commitment to hard work for long hours. Previous coursework and participation in music, dance, acting, singing, and backstage production is highly desirable, but not mandatory. Students wishing to study theatre should declare this major early in their university career. Entering freshman or transfer students should contact the Theatre Program Director for the assignment of an academic advisor immediately upon arrival at the campus. Department Chair Dr. Pete Porter RTV 107 509.359.6390 Department Assistant Annie Hudson 104 RTV 509.359.6390 Sample Careers Actor Director Theatre Technician Art Administrator Public Relations Specialist Communications Specialist
AA-DTA Degree Requirements with Suggested Classes that Fulfill EWU Prerequisites/Requirements EVERETT COURSES E.W.U. COURSE EQUIVALENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS (10 credits) ENGL& 101 English Composition I (5) ENGL 101 College Composition: Exposition & Argument (5) ENG& 102 Composition II (5) ENGL 201 College Composition: Analysis/Research/Document (5) QUANTITATIVE SKILLS (5 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. HUMANITIES ( 15 credits) SOCIAL SCIENCES (15 credits) NATURAL SCIENCES (15 credits) DIVERSITY (5 credits) TRANSFER ELECTIVES (15 credits) DRMA& 101 Intro to Theatre (5) THTR 202 Theatre in the Humanities (5) RESTRICTED ELECTIVES (15 credits) DRMA 102 Rehearsal, Production and Performance (2-5) THTR 210 Acting I (4) The courses listed below transfer to satisfy EWU Graduation Requirements and can be taken before or during the major program Foreign Language Two full years of high school-level or one full year of college-level credit is required for graduation. Cultural Diversity (one course) CHCST 105D Intro to Chicano/Mexican- American Culture (5) CMST 204D Intercultural Communication (5) ENGL 120 Native American Literature (5) SOC 160 Gender and Society (5) SOC 248 Women, Religion and Society (5) HIST Multicultural American History (5) ANTH& 216D Northwest Coast Indians (5) HUM 110D Intro to American Cultural Studies (5) HUM 248 Women, Religion and Society (5) HUM 210 Intro to Women’s Lives in the United States (5) International Studies (one course) ANTH 255D Medicine across Cultures (5) POLS& 204 Comparative Government (5) POLS& 203 International Relations (5) SOC& 201 Social Problems (5) HUM 160D Into to Japanese History and Culture (5) ART 124D Understanding World Art (5) GEOG 102D World Regional Geography (5) GEOG 201D Cultural Geography (5) GS 101D Intro to Global Studies (5) GS 105D Global Issues Through Film (5) SOC 230 Human Ecology (5)