irrigation plan (GPIP) Gram panchayat irrigation plan (GPIP) Kammuru (GP) Kudair (M) Ananthapuramu District District Water Management Agency
GP Details KAMMURU GRAMPANCHYAT Land (Ha) Population Infrastructure Total Area : 1570.95 Cropped Area : 1180.55 Rainfed Area: 1081.95 Irrigated Area : 98.60 Common Land : 160.00 Grazing Land : 25.00 Uncultivable waste : 4.40 Forest : 201 House Holds : 600 Job cards issued : 600 Total : 1909 Male : 994 Female : 915 Literacy % (Male : Female) 54 : 40 SC : 441 ST : 07 BC : 1084 Others : 377 Marginal & Small Farmers : 93 Big Farmers : 319 Land Less : 188 No.of HHs migrated : 2 Milch Animals : 438 Bullock : 129 Hebuffaloes : 127 Sheep : 2530 Goat : 607 Milk production : (liters) Cows : 2 ltr per animal /day Buffaloes : 3 ltr /animal /day Anganwadi Centre : 1 Primary School : 1 Panchyath building : 1 Post office : 1 Cooperative Society : 1 OHead tank : 1 RO Plant : 1 Tanks : 1 Borewells : 195 (Funct : 119 Non Fun : 76) Farming & Live Stock details Land (Ha) Population Infrastructure KAMMURU GRAMPANCHYAT
Expenditure (in Lakhs) Kammuru IWMP Details Batch Project Project area (Ha) Village covered Project Cost ( in Lakhs) NRM allocation Expenditure (in Lakhs) Balance (in Lakhs) 2011-2012 (III Batch) Kammuru 950 Ha Kammur 114.00 63.84 36.41 27.43
NRM WORKS DONE UNDER IWMP in Kammuru GP Sl. No. Name of the Activity IWMP in Convergence with EGS Total Expenditure Phy Fin 1 Boulder removal using Machine and stone bunding 2 0.14 Loose Boulder Structure 0.63 3 Rock Fill Dam 7 2.84 4 Farm Pond 82 44.48 5 Dugout Pond 47 17.32 0.11 17.43 6 Check Wall 1.35 Check Dam 12.48 8 Repairs to Existing Check Dam 0.94 9 Avenue Plantation 4.15 10 Barren Hill Afforestation 1.64 11 Block Plantation in CPR Lands 1.06 12 Seed Dibbling 0.01 TOTAL 62 36.41 88 50.74 150 87.15
NRM WORKS DONE UNDER MGNREGS in Kammuru GP S No Category Name Works in Shelf Works In-Progress Works Completed Total (Inprogress+ Completed) No. Estimated Cost ( In Lakhs ) Expenditure ( In Lakhs ) Expenditure ( In Lakhs ) 1 Boulder Removal 3 20.8 4 10.22 2 Boundary trench 5 22.29 Check Dam 0.64 0.2 Check Wall 1.65 Continuous Contour Trench 7.71 6 Desilting and Deepening of Existing Open well 0.82 0.29 0.17 0.46 7 Dugout ponds 11 9.01 34 9.08 8 Farm Pond 0.7 0.06 9 Land development works 58 13.5 10 MI tank works 9.61 Mini Percolation Tank 1.97 0.42 0.56 0.98 12 Pebble Bunding 4.5 13 Percolation Tank 0.65 0.01 14 Raising of Perinnial Fodder 15 Repairs to CDs/PTs 14.6 4.83 16 9.22 25 14.05 Silt application 1.25 0.68 17 Staggered Trench 10.08 18 Stone Bund 2.27 19 Water Harvesting Structures (Neeru) 0.62 0.05 Total 122 279.7 27 39.04 205 163.89 232 202.93
Existing Water Resources in Kammur GP Sl. No. Resource Quantity Storage capacity (in Cub m) Storage Capacity (Ha. M) 1. Tanks 2 80,000 8.00 2. Percolation Tanks 1 3,000 0.3 3 MPT 6,000 0.60 4. Checkdams / Check walls 35 52,500 3.5 6. Farm ponds 83 24,900 2.49 7. Dugout ponds 81 48,600 4.86 8. Open wells 10 2,000 0.2 TOTAL: 215 2,17,000 19.95
Action Plan to achieve water sufficiency Sl.No Type of structure Capacity(cum) No of fillings Gross storage( Ha M} 1 CCT 16913 3 0.90 2 PPT 8250 2.47 WAT 7750 2.31 4 Farmponds 170 6.00 5 Repairs to CDs 4500 3.60 6 Desilting of open wells 600 1.80 7 Silt application 7500 2.25 8 Percolation tanks 11000 3.30 9 Dugoutponds 3000 9.00 10 Earthen bunding 21250 3,18 11 Desilting 33834 10.15 12 Road cum checkdams 15.00 13 Feeder Channels 5000 2,25 TOTAL 76.02
Water Budget 1 2 3 KAMMURU GP Water receipt Water availability Water deficit
WATER Budget Rainfall receipt : Rainfall usage : Village area (Ha) = 1570.95 Average rainfall = 515 mm Annual rainfall = 1570.95 * 515 /1000 809.04 Ha-m Rainfall usage : 1. Ground water (9%) = 809.04*9/100 = 72.81 Ha-m 2. Run off (40%) = 809.04*40/100 = 323.62 Ha-m 3. Evapo transpiration (41%) = 809.04*41/100 = 331.71 Ha-m 4. Soil moisture (10%) = 809.04*10/100 = 80.90 Ha-m Water availability Water requirement Deficit (Ha.m) Source Quantity (Ha.m ) Particulars Unit (Ha m) Water required Ground water 72.81 Human beings (No) 1909 3.00/1000 5.72 Soil Moisture 80.90 Livestock (no) 694 3.2/1000 2.22 Surface water bodies 19.95 Goats/sheep (No) 3157 0.07/1000 0.22 Canal Water supply to Siddapeta Cheruvu 10.00 Poultry (No) 2890 0.01/1000 0.02 Paddy (Ha) 21 12/10 25.20 ID Crops (Ha) 67.60 2.8/10 18.92 Dry crops (Ha) 1088.93 1.7/10 188.93 Horticulture (Ha) 10 2.80 Vegetables (Ha) 50 2.4/10 12.00 183.66 256.03 -72.37
Final Grama Sabha & GPIP approval Identification of works Survey Methodology 1 9 Initial Gramasabha 2 Documentation Data Collection Final Grama Sabha & GPIP approval 3 8 Team Formation 4 Group Discussion PRA Exercises 7 Transact Walk Identification of works 5 6
Initial Grama Sabha
Existing Water Resources in Kammur GP Sl. No. Resource Quantity Storage capacity (in Cub m) Storage Capacity (Ha. M) 1. Tanks 2 80,000 8.00 2. Percolation Tanks 1 3,000 0.3 3 MPT 6,000 0.60 4. Checkdams / Check walls 35 52,500 3.5 6. Farm ponds 83 24,900 2.49 7. Dugout ponds 81 48,600 4.86 8. Open wells 10 2,000 0.2 TOTAL: 215 2,17,000 19.95
Water Budget 1 2 3 KAMMURU GP Water receipt Water availability Water deficit
WATER Budget Rainfall receipt : Rainfall usage : Village area (Ha) = 1570.95 Average rainfall = 515 mm Annual rainfall = 1570.95 * 515 /1000 809.04 Ha-m Rainfall usage : 1. Ground water (9%) = 809.04*9/100 = 72.81 Ha-m 2. Run off (40%) = 809.04*40/100 = 323.62 Ha-m 3. Evapo transpiration (41%) = 809.04*41/100 = 331.71 Ha-m 4. Soil moisture (10%) = 809.04*10/100 = 80.90 Ha-m Water availability Water requirement Deficit (Ha.m) Source Quantity (Ha.m ) Particulars Unit (Ha m) Water required Ground water 72.81 Human beings (No) 1909 3.00/1000 5.72 Soil Moisture 80.90 Livestock (no) 694 3.2/1000 2.22 Surface water bodies 19.95 Goats/sheep (No) 3157 0.07/1000 0.22 Canal Water supply to Siddapeta Cheruvu 10.00 Poultry (No) 2890 0.01/1000 0.02 Paddy (Ha) 21 12/10 25.20 ID Crops (Ha) 67.60 2.8/10 18.92 Dry crops (Ha) 1088.93 1.7/10 188.93 Horticulture (Ha) 10 2.80 Vegetables (Ha) 50 2.4/10 12.00 183.66 256.03 -72.37
Final Grama Sabha & GPIP approval Identification of works Survey Methodology 1 9 Initial Gramasabha 2 Documentation Data Collection Final Grama Sabha & GPIP approval 3 8 Team Formation 4 Group Discussion PRA Exercises 7 Transact Walk Identification of works 5 6
Initial Grama Sabha
Data collection
Team Formation
Identification of works
Group Discussion
Identification of works
Categories of works ( Identified ) Ridge area treatment Staggered Contour Trenches Continuous Contour Trenches Barren Hill Afforestration Water Absorption Trenches Drainage Line Treatment MPT/PT, Check Dams/Check Walls identified Valley Area Treatment Farm Ponds/Dugout Ponds Silt Application/Desilting of water bodies Repairs and restoration to existing WHS Repairs and restoration to M I tanks. Recharge pits Recharging dried up open wells/Bore wells Horticulture plantations Institution plantations
Action Plan to achieve water sufficiency Sl.No Type of structure Capacity(cum) No of fillings Gross storage( Ha M} 1 CCT 16913 3 0.90 2 PPT 8250 2.47 WAT 7750 2.31 4 Farmponds 170 6.00 5 Repairs to CDs 4500 3.60 6 Desilting of open wells 600 1.80 7 Silt application 7500 2.25 8 Percolation tanks 11000 3.30 9 Dugoutponds 3000 9.00 10 Earthen bunding 21250 3,18 11 Desilting 33834 10.15 12 Road cum checkdams 15.00 13 Feeder Channels 5000 2,25 TOTAL 76.02
GPIP for Year 2017-22 (65% NRM – EGS) No Activity Unit Phy Wage Component Person Days Material Component Total Amount Rs in Lakhs Storage Capacity ( 3 fillings ) Ground Water Recharge ( 3 fillings ) 1 Earthern bunding Rmts 21250 30.81 15881 0.00 3.18 0.3 2 Pebbale Bunding 3750 3.38 1740 3 CCT's 16913 33.83 17436 0.9 0.09 4 PPT's 8250 16.50 8505 2.475 0.24 5 WAT 7750 15.50 7990 2.31 1.14 6 Farm pond 170 136.00 70103 21.00 157.00 15.3 7.5 7 Repair CD's 8 1.50 774 13.50 15.00 3.6 1.8 AVP Km 21 3.59 1851 6.91 10.50 9 Block Plantation Ha 63 2.90 1495 6.10 9.00 10 Bund Plantation Acr 75 0.38 194 1.88 11 Vermicompost 13 0.25 129 2.50 2.75 12 Desilting Openwell 1.00 1.25 Siltapplication 150 4.50 2320 4.25 8.75 2.25 14 Seed Dibbling Kgs 100 0.80 414 0.20 15 Roof Harvesting Structure 25 1289 7.50 10.00 1.5 16 DLH 105 7.65 3944 10.35 18.00 17 BHA 7.00 3609 18.80 25.80 18 Fodder 1.05 542 17.18 18.23 19 Percolation Tanks 3.00 1547 4.00 3.3 1.65 20 Homestead Plantation 50 516 Soak Pits 600 1.85 955 9.32 11.17 0.18 TOTAL : 274.23 141359 124.11 398.33 35.12 16.44
GPIP for 2017-22 (with Balance Funds under IWMP) No Activity Unit Phy Wage Component Person Days Material Component Total Amount Rs in Lakhs 1 Boulder Removal Acr 87 4.44 2289 6.00 10.44 2 RFD's 60 0.95 490 8.05 9.00 3 Loose Boulder structure 42.5 0.21 106 1.28 1.48 4 NADEP 50 0.50 258 5.25 5.75 6.10 3143 20.58 26.67
GPIP for 2017-22 ( Proposed under PMKSY) No Activity Unit Phy Wage Component Person Days Material Component Total Amount Rs in Lakhs Storage Capacity ( 3 fillings ) Ground Water Recharge ( 3 fillings ) 1 Dugout pond 50 40.00 20619 5.63 45.63 9 4.5 2 Recharge of Borewell 38 3.25 1676 7.34 10.59 5.7 3 Road cum Check dam 6 2.65 1366 20.75 23.40 2.25 45.90 23661 33.72 79.62 13.50 12.45
GPIP for 2017-22 (Proposed under NEERU- PRAGATHI ) No Activity Unit Phy Wage Component Person Days Material Component Total Amount Rs in Lakhs Storage Capacity ( 3 fillings ) Ground Water Recharge ( 3 fillings ) 1 Desilting Cum 33834 0.00 36.70 10.15 5.075 2 Check Dam's 10 5.50 2836 48.00 53.50 15 7.5 3 Feedar Chanel Rmts 5000 13.27 2.25 1.125 97.97 103.47 27.40 13.70
GPIP for 2017-22 (UNDER CONVERGENCE WITH MGNREGS) No Activity Unit Phy Wage Component Person Days Material Component Total Amount Rs in Lakhs 1 Cattle trough 5 0.13 65 1.13 1.25 2 Cattleshed 0.75 387 4.25 5.00 3 Community Hall 4 Culverts 16.00 8256 24.00 40.00 IHHL 100 1.00 516 14.00 15.00 6 CC Roads KMs 2.00 1032 38.00 Total 20.63 10643 85.63 106.25
GPIP for 2017-22 S. No Activity Wage Component Person Days Material Component Total Amount Rs in Lakhs Storage Capacity ( 3 fillings ) Ground Water Recharge ( 3 fillings ) 1 MGNREGS 274.23 141359 124.11 398.33 35.12 16.44 2 PMKSY 45.90 23661 33.72 79.62 13.50 12.45 3 NEERU- PRAGATHI 5.50 2836 97.97 103.47 27.40 13.70 4 IWMP 6.10 3143 20.58 26.67 nil 5 CONVERGENCE WITH 20.63 10643 85.63 106.25 TOTAL 352.36 181642 362.01 714.34 76.02 42.59
Wage Component ( in Lakhs) Material Component ( in Lakhs) LABOR BUDGET Labor Budget=Total no of active households x 100days x 323 Wage Component per Job Card = Rs.194(60%) Material Component generation per Job card = Rs.129 (40%) Total = Rs.323(100%) 312 Jobcards x 100days x 323 (Wage+Material) S. No. Financial Year Wage Component ( in Lakhs) Material Component ( in Lakhs) Total (in Lakhs) 1 2017-18 60.4655 40.325 100.7905 2 2018-19 66.512 44.3415 110.8535 3 2019-20 73.1635 48.7755 121.939 4 2020-21 80.4795 53.653 134.1325 5 2021-22 88.5275 59.0185 147.546 TOTAL 369.148 246.1135 615.2615 NOTE: 10% INCREASE OF LABOUR BUDGET OVER EVERY YEAR
Format - I (Community works)
Format - I (Community works)
(Individual Beneficiary related works) Format - II (Individual Beneficiary related works)