Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Initiative Ambareen Siraj Hello everyone! Thank you for coming to the 3rd national women in cybersecurity conference. Before we formally start, I just have a few things to share. Please allow me to brief you about background and overview of this effort.
WiCyS Goal WiCyS is an effort to help in recruitment, retention and advancement of women in cybersecurity (NSF Award #1303441) Bring together students/faculty/researchers/professionals from academia, research and industry for sharing of knowledge/experience networking and mentoring building a community of peers/mentors. Hear stories of success (and struggles) from experts in their field and career mentors Learn about cutting edge research Discuss challenging issues Learn about career possibilities Network with peers
WiCyS Features Overseen by Tennessee Tech Local logistics sub-awarded to host institution Held in Spring annually Registration is controlled 50% students, 25% educators, 25% professionals and others Registration fee is heavily subsidized WiCyS scholarships include registration, lodging and meals Some travel scholarships
WiCyS Opportunities Workshops Poster competitions for students Resume clinic Speakers from Industry Education Research Parallel tracks in education, research and industry Technical presentations Panel sessions Bird of a feather sessions Networking socials Career/Graduate School Fair Informal networking opportunities Speed mentoring Keynotes
WiCyS 2016 Conference Held in Dallas, TX, March 31-April 2, 2016
WiCyS 2016 Conference Held in Dallas, TX, March 31-April 2, 2016
WiCyS 2016 Numbers ~330 organizations participated 845 registrations ~750 attended ~50 organizations in career/graduate school fair Evaluation report at: https://www.csc.tntech.edu/wicys/2016evaluation/
2016 Evaluation Post Conference Survey Follow up survey
Student Educational Standing
Educators’ Affiliations
Evaluation by Attendees
Evaluation by Non-Students
Feelings about the conference
WiCyS Student Scholarships
WiCyS Educator Scholarships
Financial Support Impact
Post WiCyS 2016 Student Follow Up
Recommend to Others?
Attend in 2017?
WiCyS 2017 www.WiCyS.net To be held in Tucson, AZ, March 31-April 1, 2017 Scholarship application open Call for participation open
WiCyS 2017 TimeLine
WiCyS Community https://www.csc.tntech.edu/wicys/spread-the-word/
Contact Info: asiraj@tntech.edu