WORKSHOP RESULTS: NO. 1 SECURING HUMAN RIGHTS: WOMEN‘S RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS: Shams Asadi (Head of Vienna Human Rights Bureau) Anita Schnetzer-Spranger (ZC Mainz, ZI Council of Europe Committee Chairman)
WORKSHOP RESULTS: NO. 1 Taking the declaration of Human Rights as the starting point – the development of Women‘s Rights out of Human rights has come a long way. Women‘s Human Rights need extra attention and specification to take into account the different needs of women and the imbalances of men and women. Gender equality and non-discrimination is the essential factor to the protection of Women‘s Right. Gender equaltiy means equal visibility, empowerment, responsibility and participation of women.
WORKSHOP RESULTS: NO. 1 Practical example based on the Human Rights City of Vienna Why do we need human rights in the city? What does a Human Right City do? Declaration „Vienna - City of Human Rights“ Women‘s Rights are Human Rights Vienna: 51,5 % women Women and education Women and economy Violence against women (FGM) Women and poverty Women and housing and urban planning Gender Budgeting
WORKSHOP RESULTS: NO. 1 Network of European cities Training for local officers (budget) FGM Women with migration background
WORKSHOP RESULTS: NO. 2 COMBATING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS Karin Nordmeyer (ZC Schauinsland, President UN Women National Committee Germany) Helga Konrad (Regional Implementation Initiative on preventing & combating human trafficking)
WORKSHOP RESULTS: NO. 2 Instruments and mechanisms (Council of Europe Convention on action against trafficking in Human Beings), in force since 2008, 46 member states ratified 15 independent experts monitoring (Greta) Prevention Protection of victims Prosecution of traffickers Monitoring by experts Implementation
WORKSHOP RESULTS: NO. 3 JOB MARKET: CHALLENGES FOR WOMEN Claudia Gamon (NEOS deputy) Els van Winckel (ZC Morges-La Cote, Switzerland, ZI UN- representative Geneva)
WORKSHOP RESULTS: NO. 3 Transparacy in recruitment and transparancy in salary is essential. Women need the possibility to choose between career and family or combining both. Fair splitting of parental leave between parents Educate boys and men that women are equal. Implement YWPA/JMK/AE on Club level. Educate boys and girls in school already about inequalities in today‘s job market and possibilities to change (local Club project. „If you‘re excluded, invite yourself.“
WORKSHOP RESULTS: NO. 4 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AND ZONTA’S MISSION Sonja Hönig Schough (ZI President) Susanne von Bassewitz (ZI President elect) Jadranka Mustajbegovic (ZC Zagreb, University of Zagreb)
WORKSHOP RESULTS: NO. 4 Focus on Goal #5 – Gender Equality What can Zonta do at - Club - Area - District level? Main requirement for all levels: information/education through communication Collaborate
WORKSHOP RESULTS: NO. 4 Club: engage with local institutions Area: strategize, provide platform for sharing, choose regional organizations for colleboration District: strategize, asign responsibities of UN/Advocacy, build a knowledge network