What we’re talking about today UW career fair Competitions Conferences Future Events
UW Career Fairs [10/10] [3:00] Resume Review [10/11] [6:00] ACM-W: What to Expect / How to Talk to Companies [10/18] [3:00] Intrm. Technical Interviews [10/24] Established Recruiting Fair @ HUB [10/25] Startup Recruiting Fair @ Atrium [10/31] [3:00] Beg. Technical Interviews [10/30] [11/7] Mock Technical Interviews Keep track of Events on Ugrad Advising GCal
Competitions/ Fun Activities Dubhacks (October 21 - 22) Google Games (Spring) Microsoft Puzzle Challenge (Spring) Google Code Jam, Facebook Hacker Cup… Trivia Night (Spring) Potentially our own Hackathon (Spring)
Conferences Women in Tech conferences Tech conferences Grace Hopper: Annually, October 4-6 Regional Grace Hopper: Annually, generally around April National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Summit: Annually, generally around May Tech conferences Google I/O (including Extended): Annually, generally around May //build: Annually, generally around May Research conferences Dates vary based on the conference Funding to attend can come from many places, including the UW CSE department.
Future Events Quarterly tea with faculty Interesting topics Get to know faculty and other students Annual Winter Affiliates Dinner Face time with company representatives Learn more and ask questions Meet other CSE students Annual Spring Canoe Trip Hang out with CSE friends Study break and enjoy sunshine! Other Sexual Discrimination Discussion / Imposter Syndrome, and more! https://www.cs.washington.edu/acmw/events.php
Lean In Circles Computer Science & Engineering Chapter: bit.ly/LeanInUdub Learn more about Lean In Circles: https://leanincircles.org/