HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO HE is acquired at universities and other HEI which can be established as either public or private Universities and other HEI are independent in teaching, research and artistic work. 3 universities: University of Montenegro – public University of Donja Gorica – private University of Mediterranean – private
HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO The Law on Higher Education (2014) Each institution must have a licence for work issued by the Ministry of Education A licence is issued upon issuance of a certificate of accreditation of a study programme by the Council for Higher Education
HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO Educational process in the HEI is realised through academic and applied study programmes The structure of the HE system is based on three cycles: undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral ECTS is applied
HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO Circa 25.000 students at the HEI in Montenegro SPUM is the main organization of students in Montenegro and is institutional representative body of students at the University of Montenegro SPUM was founded in 2004 by the University of Montenegro. It is responsible for rights of more than 20.000 students at the University of Montenegro
HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO SPUM’s assembly has 24 members representing every faculty of the University in Montenegro. The SPUM was established in accordance with the Law on Higher Education of Montenegro and the Statute of the University of Montenegro. It represents more than 80% of students in Montenegro. Full member of the European Students’ Union since May 2016
HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO At the state level the SPUM is a represented in Council of Higher Education, National HE Strategy Creating Team Working groups for drafting laws etc. At the university level, SPUM is represented in: Senate of the UoM Executive Committee of the UoM Quality Assurance Committee Councils at the faculty level etc.
HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO Internal evaluation of the QA: faculty level QA Evaluation at the university level: QA Committee State level: the Council for HE -- Evaluation Low response of students on QA surveys Idea how to improve this: involvement of international experts and ideas from other countries and organizations, such as ESU
HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO Prerequisite for successful QA system: Establishment of national QA in Montenegro Approach more focused on student Better transparency of results Raising the involvement of students in the procedures
HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO Introduction of e-surveys is a new concept introduces last year Student turnout differs from one unit to another Introduction on new Rulebook on Studies: Online database of surveys, results, statistics – available for every student Importance of transparency
HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO Proposals: Introducition of a obligations-free-day at the faculties on the day the surveys are being filled in; Credits as a stimulation for better participation; Earlier examination periods for students taking part in surveys ; More proactive role of the Council for HE: currently there is no QA criteria in accreditation/reaccreditation process. Also, students do not have voting rights on accreditation issues; Trainings organized by relevant international instutions for QA council members at the units of the UoM.
HIGHER EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO Good examples: Establishment of the Quality Assurance Center at the UoM Establishment of the Committee for Master Studies Establishment of the Committee for PhD Studies There is a need for establishing a body that will deal with Bachelor studies QA control.