WG – Chemistry – mineralogy elemental
Organization Define the observation strategy of the different Instruments of remote sensing and “in situ” Define different stages for the observations Far out (examples..) Study rotation phase curve ( camera and Virtis) Gas coma and dust coma CO / CO2/ CN / H2O ratio ( Alice, VIRTIS, Rosina) Temperature measurements (VIRTIS, MIRO) Overall composition molecules and minerals Density and shape ( Radii Science)
… just examples 2nd stage Measure of gas Measure of the dust
What is needed to do the work Define the science goals for remote sensing instruments and in situ ( Alice, Cosima, Miro, Osiris, Rosina, Virtis) Each instrument shall define its observation strategy This work should be used in order to define an harmonized sequence of integrated observation Schedule twice x year + a meeting in ISSI. Each PI should nominate 2 people to have at least one of them participating to each meeting
What is needed to do the work (2) Support of ESOC Orbital analysis Support of the project scientist for coordination Utilize and complete critically the table of “Scientific Themes”
Goals By the end of year November the science goals shall be provided Prediction reliable science model e.g.active area Interaction with the development of engineering model