Today’s Agenda: Discuss College Application Process: Common App, Coalition App, School App Common App matching in Naviance Transcript Request forms & Parent Permission Slip Naviance letter of recommendation process Class Rank
Group presentations in World Cultures classes Senior Interviews Counselors will be meeting with all their seniors to review this information, one on one, over the next month and a half. Group presentations in World Cultures classes
Test Info… SAT’s – Cherokee High School 10/7/17, 11/4/17, 12/2/17, 3/10/17… ACT – 9/9/17, 10/28/17, 12/9/17 … (@Seneca) You must send Standardized Test scores to colleges directly from the testing agency: College Board (SAT’s) ACT- AP scores must be sent directly from College Board
How many schools should I apply to? Reach 1-2 Good Match 2-3 Safe 1-2 When you meet with a counselor you can discuss which colleges you are applying to, which ones you have visited and which category above each school falls into.
Early action, early decision, Priority, Regular and/or Rolling. Be Aware of Deadlines!!! Make sure you know each school’s deadline and what type of application they accept: Early action, early decision, Priority, Regular and/or Rolling. *Sometimes scholarship and merit money coincide with certain deadlines!
Teacher Recommendations Ask TWO teachers politely in person. Give teachers at least two weeks notice. Put teacher recommendation request in Naviance. 1. Click on Colleges 2. Click Letters of recommendation 3. Select teacher’s name from drop down bar 4. All current and future colleges I add to my Colleges I'm Applying To list FILL OUT BOTH TEACHER AND COUNSELOR BRAG SHEET – found under the About Me TAB Check Naviance to see when letters have been completed. You will not be permitted to see the letter. When teachers write you a letter, they will also fill out the common application teacher form electronically. **Teacher letters should be completed when you are requesting transcripts** Counselors will automatically write a letter and fill out common application/counselor form electronically when colleges require them. You do not have to ask your counselor to write a letter.
Use Pull Down Tab to find the Teacher’s name and hit ALL current and future colleges I apply to
Teacher and Counselor BRAG SHEET
Teacher BRAG Sheet
Answer the following questions: Counselor BRAG Sheet Answer the following questions: 1. Are there any factors about your grades (on the transcript) of which you would like the colleges to be aware? 2. Are there any circumstances in your life that might have affected your grades or your participation in school? Have their been conflicts over the past years in your course selections? (example: illness in family or self, divorce,etc.) 3. What are your proudest accomplishments? (Academic and personal) 4. Give five descriptive adjectives that tell something about you as a person. 5. At this time, have you formulated a career choice or college major? If so, what is it?
Ways to Apply Online Go to the individual college website. You will create a username and password. Fill out the entire application online. Common Application- Fill out once for multiple schools Some schools have supplemental forms as well Coalition Application - ** If a college accepts the Common Application & also has its own online application, you MUST apply using the Common Application for us to be able to send electronic documents**
Common App –
FERPA – waiving your right to see the letters of recommendations so that colleges know that the letters are candid and truthful. Must be done before matching your common app with Naviance.
PUT your common app email here for matching!! Log on to Naviance from Seneca Website Home page Click on College Tab Click on Colleges I’m Applying to * Once you’ve signed the FERPA on the common application you need to log in to Naviance and put in your Common App account email. This is under the tab Colleges- colleges I’m applying to PUT your common app email here for matching!!
Coalition Application – new application that over 100 schools are using.
You may need to enter counselor’s email or teacher’s email to unlock the next set of questions. Not necessary to match in Naviance.
Check to see what type of APPLICATION your COLLEGE wants… Some schools have the ability to apply online from their website or common app or coalition. Rutgers and Penn State have their own app or you can use the Coalition. Make life easier by knowing which colleges accept which app!
RCBC Spring Ahead Program November 2017 -Attend RCBC informational meeting at Seneca ** you must know your social security number when applying!
Application and Transcript Process We MUST have parental release of academic records on file to send out your transcripts. Complete the application online using the college’s website or Common App website. Submit a Transcript Request Form (attached) to Mrs. Dzwill in the Registrar’s office. Please allow up to two weeks. *You need a Transcript Request Form for each college.* The Counselor will electronically submit all required documentation- transcripts, letters, etc… Students should check Naviance to ensure that teacher letters are completed.
Parental Release for Transcript
Scholarships – look at Mrs. McCloskey’s eboard or
Financial Aid Night Come here more information about Financial Aid and the FAFSA. October 25th at 6:00 pm
CLASS RANK Class Rank is based on 6th semesters (end of junior year) One more ranking will be given out after senior year 1st semester 2 ranks – weighted /6.0 regular /4.0 Top %’s are based on weighted GPA’s Divide your rank by the amount of students in the class (283) to determine your percentage. Top 15% weighted = NJ Stars – must fill out FAFSA
Changing Naviance Password Click on Manage My Account (top right hand corner) *enter ID number as current password *put in new password (one that you write down and will remember) * If all else fails… email your counselor Thanks!!! Happy Applying! Tonight (or last night), September 14th @ 6:00 in the auditorium will be a night for YOU and your PARENTS to come learn about the application process!! Tell them to please come!!
Counseling Assignments S. Maira – A-Col x6687 H. Gardner - Con-Go x6679 C. Devino - Gr-La x6686 K. Bulger - Le-N x6615 E. Maira- O-Si x6685 S. Johnson - Sk-Z x6656
Be Careful driving home!! Thanks for Coming! Be Careful driving home!!