Harald Dovland, Ministry of Environment, Norway LRTAP Convention: 1979 -2004 Harald Dovland, Ministry of Environment, Norway
The Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (1979) Art.2 “…. Parties … shall endeavour to limit and, as far as possible, gradually reduce and prevent air pollution including long-range transboundary air pollution.”
CLRTAP Protocols The 1985 Protocol on Reduction of Sulphur Emissions The 1988 Protocol concerning the Control of Nitrogen Oxides The 1991 Protocol on Control of Emissions of VOCs The 1994 Protocol on Further Reduction of Sulphur Emissions The 1998 Protocol on Heavy Metals The 1998 Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants The 1999 Protocol to abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone
Helsinki Protocol (1985) Art. 2: ”The Parties shall reduce their national annual sulphur emissions or their transboundary fluxes by at least 30 per cent as soon as possible and at the latest by 1993, using 1980 levels as the basis for calculation of reductions.”
Gothenburg Protocol (1999) Multi-pollutant multi-effect protocol Art. 3: “Each Party having an emission ceiling in any table in annex II shall reduce and maintain the reduction in its annual emissions in accordance with that ceiling and the timeframes specified in that annex.”
SO2 commitments VOC commitments NH3 commitments NOx commitments
LRTAP development From simple, flat rate type commitments to effect oriented protocols aiming at cost-efficient solutions. Strong links between science and policy.
Working Group on Strategies and Review Executive Body Implementation Committee Working Group on Effects EMEP Steering Body Working Group on Strategies and Review ICP Forests Task Force Programme Coordinating Centre Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections Expert Group on Ammonia Abatement ICP Integrated Monitoring Task Force Expert Group on Heavy Metals Programme Centre Task Force on Measurement and Modelling ICP Modelling and Mapping Task Force Coordination Center for Effects Chemical Coordinating Centre Network of Experts on Benefits and Economic Instruments ICP Materials Task Force Main Research Centre Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-West Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues ICP Vegetation Task Force Programme Centre Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-East Task Force on POPs ICP Waters Task Force Programme Centre Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling Proposed Expert Group on Particulate Matter Task Force Health Centre for Integrated Assessment Modelling
Emission trends of SO2 in the EMEP area 1980-2001. Source: EMEP/MSC-W
Future challenges Financing of core activities, both national monitoring and research activities and international coordination. Improve the basis for effect based approach; all elements of integrated assessment models should be based on state-of-the-art science and high quality data.