3.2 Plant Kingdom
Types of plants Non-vascular Plants – Bryophytes Seedless Vascular Plants Seed Producing Vascular Plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms
Bryophytes BASICS: No vascular tissue (i.e. depend on diffusion and osmosis for nutrient) No true roots, but they do have rhizoids Located in mats – holding water like a sponge 3 phyla of bryophytes Mosses Liverworts Hornworts – pg 96 – description + location
Seedless Vascular Plants BASICS Has a true vascular system – allowing them to grow tall! Sporophyte generation > gametophyte 4 phyla: Whisk ferns Club mosses Horsetails Ferns – pg 98 – description + location
Fern life cycle – pg 99 A) Spores germinate / mature to become the gametophyte (specifically called prothallus) B) Gametophyte has male and female organs Male organs = antheridia Female organs = archegonia C) Each sexual organ produces their gametes D) Fertilization occurs forming the zygote E) Zygote matures into the sporophyte F) Sporophyte’s fronds contains the sori (pod-like structure),where the spores are made
Seed-producing Vascular Plants Seeds allow plants to reproduce sexually WITHOUT water Also provides protection against harsh environmental conditions TYPE 1: Gymnosperms – seeds are not enclosed TYPE 2: Angiosperms – seeds are enclosed in a hard protective tissue
Gymnosperms Common examples: Cone-bearing trees (conifers) like fir and spruce Their reproductive structure is the cone Male cones = soft and short lived Female cones = hard and longer lasting; also have scales where the eggs develop Fertilization requires sperm from male cones to be transported to female cones via pollen grains Pollen grains (male gametophyte) released into the wind, land on female cone, then releases the sperm cells to fertilize the eggs
Angiosperms Aka FLOWERING PLANTS Reproduce using flowers and their seeds are contained in the fruit Examples: roses, non-coniferous trees like oak and maples 90% of all plants are angiosperms!
Reproductive structure = flower Male gametophyte produces pollen grains (again!) that has the sperm If the angiosperm has small flowers, they depend on WIND for the transport of the pollen grains If the angiosperm has big, colorful flowers, they depend on animals and insects (pollinators – hummingbirds, flies, bats), aside from just the wind Ex. Carrion flower - flies
Flower structure Four main organs 1) Sepals – surrounds and protects the flower bud 2) Petals – colourful structures to attract pollinators 3) Male Stamens – produces pollen grains 3 parts to this organ 4) Female Pistil – contains the ovary 4 parts to this organ
Stamen structure 1) Anther – where pollen grains are produced and stored 2) Pollen grain – contains the sperm 3) Filament stalk – tube that supports the anther
Pistil structure 1) Stigma – sticky top that captures the pollen grains 2) Style – tube that supports the height of the stigma 3) Ovary – contains ovules 4) Ovules – sacs that contain the eggs
Homework: What is the fruit for??? Why has it been successful in the process of plant reproduction? Pg 103 Pg 104 #1, 8, 10