Nearly 340 caves have now been discovered in France and Spain that contain art from prehistoric times
The oldest known cave art comes from the Cave of El Castillo in northern Spain It has been shown to be more than 40,800 years old. This cave art shows human hands Some scientists think it was made by Neanderthals, while others think it was made by Homo Sapiens of the Cro-Magnon type.
Over 40,000 years old
The second-oldest known cave art is that of Chauvet Cave in France, the paintings of which date to earlier than 30,000 BCE (Upper Paleolithic) according to radiocarbon dating
Lascaux Some of the most beautiful prehistoric cave art is in a cave in Lascaux, in France. It was discovered in 1940, by 4 teenagers who were exploring the cave.
Shaft of the Dead man
Shaft of the Dead Man