Animal Health Picture Sort Game Sheryl Bennett, UME Howard County David Gordon, UME Montgomery County Kathy Gordon, UME Carroll County Kristen Wilson, UME Regional Horse Specialist “It is the policy of the University of Maryland Extension that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, disability, age or national origin.”
Overview This power point is an interactive activity for the youth. It also serves a dual purpose as a pretest and will again be used later as a post test. Animal pictures are divided up by species and notes are included about each picture. Directions are given on the next slide. However, you could easily use these pictures in different ways. Be creative!!
Directions Break the youth into small groups. Print out several of the health pictures provided to you in this power point. Give these pictures to the groups and ask the youth to identify animals they think are sick, healthy, or ones that they don’t know. Ask them to start thinking about why they say an animal is sick or healthy. Ask them for their answers and why they placed them where they did and tell them that you will give then a chance to change their answers after you have shown them the rest of the power point
Problem - Conjunctivitis. Early signs of pink eye.
Problem - Wart infestation. Not fatal, but contagious.
Problem - Poor body condition (too thin, ribs showing, hip bones protruding), droopy head and ears, mangy hair coat, diarrhea
Healthy - Up-headed, alert. Good hair coat. Good body condition.
Healthy - Shiny hair coat, head up, ears alert, bright eyes, no discharge from nose.
Healthy - Good body condition, up-headed and alert, good udder, good feet and leg structure.
Healthy - Ears and head up, shiny coat, no nasal discharge, alert.
Healthy - Good appetite (eating), tail up, good body condition.
Problem. Goat has bottle jaw which is indicative of an internal parasite problem.
Healthy - Ears and head up. Good body condition. Sound feet and legs Healthy - Ears and head up. Good body condition. Sound feet and legs. Good udder. Shiny Coat.
Problem – Goat in poor health Problem – Goat in poor health. Head and ears hanging low, tail down and rough hair coat
Problem - Large mass on chest (Caseous Lymphiditis).
Problem - Diarrhea around rump and tailhead.
Problem - Ring Worm or Club Lamb Fungus. Open sore on hip Problem - Ring Worm or Club Lamb Fungus. Open sore on hip. Dull coat, droopy head and ears. Poor posture.
Problem - Sore Mouth. Lesions and/or bruises around mouth Problem - Sore Mouth. Lesions and/or bruises around mouth. Highly contagious and can be transmitted to humans.
Problem - Rectal Prolapse. Anus lining protruding out of rectum.
Healthy - Good body condition. Head and ears up Healthy - Good body condition. Head and ears up. Strong on feet and legs.
Healthy - Good body condition. Head and ears up Healthy - Good body condition. Head and ears up. Strong on feet and legs.
Problem – Scrapie Sheep Problem – Scrapie Sheep. Ears back, poor leg and feet structure, dull and mangy coat (missing wool).
Problem - Gums irregular color (should be bubble gum pink) Problem - Gums irregular color (should be bubble gum pink). Signs of toxicity.
Problem - Emaciated body condition (ribs and withers bone easily seen, protruding hips), rough and dull hair coat, poor feet and leg position, rubbed out mane and tail.
Healthy - Head and ears up and alert, good body condition (not too fat or too thin) shiny hair coat, bright eye.
Problem - Yellow, cloudy nasal discharge (normally horses have minimal nasal discharge that is clear). Signs of respiratory and/or infectious disease.
Healthy - Ears up and alert, good body condition (not too fat or too thin) shiny hair coat, bright eye.
Healthy - Head and ears up and alert, good body condition (not too fat or too thin) shiny hair coat, bright eye.
Problem - Lethargic, gasping for breath, coughing and sneezing Problem - Lethargic, gasping for breath, coughing and sneezing. Signs of respiratory disease/illness.
Problem - Hog with atrophic rhinitis (notice crooked nose) Problem - Hog with atrophic rhinitis (notice crooked nose). Respiratory problem and very contagious. Causes pigs to grow slowly, but not detrimental. – picture from
Problem - Rough, dull hair coat Problem - Rough, dull hair coat. Poor body condition (ribs showing, hip and tailbone protruding). Hernia. Long hooves. Large mass under head.
Healthy - Head up, ears up, bright & clear eyes, alert
Healthy - Tail up & curled, good posture, eating, clear eyes
Healthy - Good body condition, healthy hair coat, good body posture, curly tail