The PROTIST KINGDOM Pictures of Each Phylum
Phylum Ciliophora – Cilliates Unicellular Animal-like Protists
Phylum Sarcodina – Sarcodines Unicellular Animal-like Protists
Phylum Zoomastigina- have flagella Unicellular Animallike Protists
Phylum Apicomplexa – Sporozoans parasites – can’t move Unicellular Animal-like Protists
Phylum Euglenophyta – Euglena Unicellular Plant-like Protists
Phylum Chrysophyta – gold colored chloroplasts, yellow/green algae Unicellular Plantlike Protists
Phylum Bacillariophyta – diatoms Unicellular Plantlike Protists Can live in colonies Phytoplankton
Phylum Pyrophyta – Dinoflagellates Unicellular Plantlike Protists
Red Tide is caused by a species in the Phylum Pyrophyta -species is a type of phytoplankton - picture from La Jolla, California
Red tide in Penn Cove, Washington
Phylum Rhodophyta – Red Algae Multicellular Plant-like Protist
Phylum Phaeophyta – Brown Algae Multicellular Plantlike Protist
Phylum Phaeophyta – Brown Algae Multicellular Plant-like Protist
Phylum Phaeophyta – Brown Algae Multicellular Plant-like Protist
Phylum Phaeophyta – Brown Algae Multicellular Plant-like Protist
Phylum Chlorophyta – Green Algae Multicellular (colonies) Plant-like Protists
Cellular Slime Mold – Acrasiomycota
Acellular Slime Molds - Phylum Myxomycota
Phylum Oomycota - Water Molds