Honey Badger By: Javien Broughton 1) Type the name of your animal 2) type your name 3) include a picture of your animal 4) change fonts and colors to personalize. By: Javien Broughton
A pic showing your animal. Animal Facts Description The honey badger is black, white, and gray. They can reach up to 29 to 30 inches long and they can weigh 13.6 to 30 pounds and they have fur. they’re skunk like but THEY ARE NOT SKUNKS. They have one thing in common—they can lay down a stink bomb, but the honey badger’s doesn’t last too long. Diet The honey badger will eat almost anything which makes them an omnivore. Some of the stuff they eat are snakes, bird eggs and of course honey. Movement The honey badger runs or just trots but mostly walks. 1) Type a description of your animal 2) Type whether your animal is an herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore and what does it eat? 3) text telling how your animal moves 4) pic showing your animal 5)change fonts and colors to personalize. A pic showing your animal.
Habitat Map showing where your animal lives Picture showing your animal in its habitat. The honey badger lives in the dry parts of Africa. There is some grass and not a lot of trees. Their adaptation are they have big claws to dig in the sand and thick fur so snake bites don’t kill them. 1) Map showing where your animal lives 2) pic of your animal in its habitat. 3) text telling where your animal lives, description of habitat, and any adaptations animal has to live in habitat 4) change fonts and colors to personalize.
Life Cycle The honey badger has 1—2 cubs at a time no one knows how long they live the wild but in the zoo they live for 26 years. A picture of the animal as a baby or young. Since a honey badger is a mammal they give live birth. When they’re born they’re pink, but as they grow up, they start to look like their parents. 1) Info about when animal a baby 2) pic of your animal as baby or when young 3) text telling about animal changes as growing into an adult 4) pic of your animal as an adult 5) change fonts and colors to personalize. A picture of the animal as a grown/ mature animal.
Animal Interactions The honey badger can protect itself in 3 ways. The first way is its really thick skin. Second they have sharp claws. Third they have sharp teeth. Pic of animal adaptation that allows it to protect itself The honey badger doesn’t really have any predators just some in the array like a leopard or something but really no won wants to mess with a honey badger. 1) Info about animal adaptation that protects your animal 2) pic and caption of an adaptation 3) text telling about another animal interaction (enemy, predator, prey, etc) 4) pic and caption of enemy, predator, prey, etc. 5) change fonts and colors to personalize. Pic of enemy, predator, prey, etc.
Interesting Facts The shield Mini Warrior The honey badgers bite force is so strong it can break a tortoise shell. The shield The honey badgers fur is so thick that when a poison snake bites the honey badger will kill it and go to sleep. A pic to accompany fact #2 Names The honey badger is also called the ratel. 1) Fact #1 and picture 2) fact #2 and picture 3) fact #3 and picture 4) change fonts and colors to personalize. A pic to accompany fact #1 A pic to accompany fact #3