CONJUGATES Section 1-3 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
REVIEW 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
DEFINITIONS Conjugate is where the bottom is multiplied by its opposite sign REMEMBER: If there is not a sign on the bottom, it does not need a sign If there is a sign, multiply by its opposite sign ABSOLUTELY NO i’s on the bottom 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
no i’s on the bottom; no sign, no change EXAMPLE 1 Simplify no i’s on the bottom; no sign, no change 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
EXAMPLE 2 Simplify 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
YOUR TURN Simplify 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
EXAMPLE 3 Simplify To get rid of the imaginary, multiply the whole problem with the conjugate 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
EXAMPLE 4 Simplify 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
YOUR TURN Simplify 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
The signs of i i1 = i i5 = i i2 = - 1 i6 = - 1 i3 = - i Notice the pattern? i4 = 1 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
1 -i i -1 The signs of i i1 = i i2 = - 1 i3 = - i i4 = 1 i5 = i 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
EXAMPLE 5 Simplify: i256 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
EXAMPLE 6 Simplify: i41 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
EXAMPLE 7 Simplify: i75 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
YOUR TURN Simplify: i457 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates
ASSIGNMENT Worksheet DUE: BLOCK DAY 6/24/2018 3:57 PM 1.3 - Conjugates