Multiply and divide integers Objective Multiply and divide integers
Rules for multiplying and dividing integers Same Sign 2. Different Signs Positive Answer Negative Answer
Multiply numbers without signs 5 4 Evaluate the expression 5 (-4) Write the problem 5 (-4) Draw arrows to determine sign of answer different Multiply numbers without signs 5 4 - 20 Different signs, negative answer
Multiply numbers without signs 6 8 Evaluate the expression -6 (-8) Write the problem -6 (-8) Draw arrows to determine sign of answer Same Multiply numbers without signs 6 8 48 Same sign, positive answer
(-7)2 (-7)(-7) 7 7 49 Evaluate the expression (-7)2 Write the problem (-7)2 Multiply base times itself Draw arrows to determine sign of answer (-7)(-7) same Multiply numbers without signs 7 7 49 Same sign, positive answer
Divide numbers without signs - 17 Evaluate the expression 51 (-3) Write the problem 51 (-3) Draw arrows to determine sign of answer opposite 51 3 Divide numbers without signs - 17 Opposite signs, negative answer
81 9 - 9 -81 Evaluate the expression 9 -81 Write the problem 9 Draw arrows to determine sign of answer opposite 81 9 Divide numbers without the signs - 9 Opposite signs, negative answer
Divide numbers without signs 6 Evaluate the expression -12 -2 Write the problem -12 -2 Draw arrows to determine sign of answer same 12 2 Divide numbers without signs 6 Same signs, positive answer