Local Governments in Texas Chapter 6 Local Governments in Texas
Describe local political systems in Texas. Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to… Describe local political systems in Texas.
Austin City Hall
Federalism Revisited Lack of centralization in the United States Different functions at different levels of government Local governments
Creatures of the State Legal limits that constrain local governments Categorizing local governments Texas examples Key term: creatures of the state
General Law Cities and Home Rule Incorporation: The Process of Creating a City Annexation Key terms: general law city home rule city incorporation extra-territorial jurisdiction
Types of City Government Council-Manager Government Role of the Mayor Role of the City Manager Weaknesses of the Council-Manager Form Key terms: council-manager form city manager
Types of City Government Mayor-Council Government Key terms: weak mayor form strong mayor form
Communicating Effectively… CORE OBJECTIVE Communicating Effectively… Compare Figures 6.1, 6.3, and 6.4 with Table 6.2. Discuss the fundamental differences among the weak mayor, strong mayor, and council-manager forms of government. Which do you prefer and why?
Types of City Government Commission Form of Government Weaknesses of the Commission Form of Government Impact on the Evolution of Local Government Key term: commission form
Municipal Election Types At-Large Election Systems Single-Member District Election Systems Cumulative and Preferential Voting Systems Key terms: at-large election system single-member district cumulative voting preferential voting
Nonpartisan Elections Municipal elections in Texas “Nonpartisan organizations” Tea Party Key term: nonpartisan elections
Voter Turnout in Local Elections Reasons for low turnout in Texas Problem with lack of interest
County Governments Oldest type of local government in U.S. “Parishes” and “boroughs” Arm of the state Local services Key term: county government
County Governments The Structure of County Government The County Commissioner’s Court The County Sheriff The County and District Attorneys The County Tax Assessor/Collector The County and District Clerk The County Treasurer The County Auditor Key terms: commissioner‘s court county sheriff
Weaknesses of County Governments in Texas Inability to Provide Urban Services Lack of Ordinance Authority Inequity of Financial Resources
Possible Reform of County Government Texans’ resistance to change County home rule Texas Association of Counties (TAC) Provincial attitudes
Special District Governments Special purpose districts Selection of governing boards Taxation authority School Districts Independent school districts Key terms: special purpose district independent school district (ISD)