POST ISD School Health Advisory Council Annual Progress Report to School Board 6/24/2018 POST ISD School Health Advisory Council Annual Progress Report To the Board of Trustees School Year 2015-2016 1
School Health Advisory Council Annual Progress Report to School Board 6/24/2018 School Health Advisory Council Every independent school district is required by law to have a school health advisory council (SHAC) of which the majority of members must be parents who are not employed by the school district. The SHAC is annually appointed by the local education agency Board of Trustees. Texas Education Code Title 2, Chapter 28, Section 28.004 2
Annual Progress Report to School Board 6/24/2018 POST ISD SHAC Members 2015-2016 Jo-Ann Travis, R.N.: Chairperson/School Nurse Amanda McKee: Co-Chairperson/Parent Janeece Williams: Parent Kenda Hair: Parent Paige Perez: Parent Tonya Dunn: HS Counselor Debbie Line: Cafeteria Advisory Capacity: Kim Mills This slide is a typical representation of members. Adjust to match your district composition. Remember that the law now states that a parent must be the chairperson or at least co-chair of the SHAC and that the majority of members must be parents. 3
State Legislated SHAC Requirements Committee-related The following are requirements of local SHACs per legislation: A parent must serve as a co-chair A minimum of five members must be appointed to serve on the SHAC by Board of Trustees Majority of members must be parents who are not employees of the district SHAC must meet at least 4 times a year SHAC must deliver an annual report to the Board of Trustees SHAC is required to submit recommendations regarding the districts’ health education curriculum
Annual Progress Report to School Board 6/24/2018 SHAC Activity Report CPR/AED training-30 staff, Wellness Testing-Staff wellness-35 staff participated. Flu Shot Clinic-United-52 flu shots Immunization Clinic-Calvert HH-32 students, 49 vaccines Jump Rope for Heart-ES students collected over $6,535.89 Mammogram Bus-Staff wellness-17 women 5
Choices for Teens presentation-Assembly for 9th & 10th grades Puberty talk-4th and 5th graders Fantastic Teeth Program-1st graders-Masonic Lodge Dental Health Day-Post Family Dentist-ES students HS Blood Drives-One in Fall & one in Spring. Total 56 units collected “All Stars Program”-Prevention of High-risk behaviours-6th grade. Managed Care Center “Be a Friend First”-Bully prevention program-6th grade girls. Girl Scouts Anti Bullying by Darren Collins-ES in 2 assemblies Pennies for Patients-Leukemia/Lymphoma Society-HS $1,319.51 collected. Sophmores received Pasta Party Eye exams & glasses through Lion’s club Safety Fair-Local resources used-ES students
Annual Progress Report to School Board 6/24/2018 2015-2016 SHAC Meeting Dates October 21, 2015 December 02, 2015 February 03,2016 April 13,2016 7