Hedging By: Isa Paola Márquez carrero
Hedging Sometimes we do not want to state a fact too categorically if we are not sure that we can prove that it is true. We can use a range of expressions to distance ourselves from facts and opinions. This is called HEDGING.
Language used in Hedging Introductory Verbs: seem, tend, look like, appear to be, think, belive doubt, be sure, indicate, suggest. Certain lexical Verbs: belive, assume, suggest. Certain modal verbs: will, must, would, may, might,could. Adverbs of frecuency: often, sometimes, usually. Modal verbs: certanly, definitely, clearly, probably, possibily, perhaps, concervably. Modal adjetives: certain, definite, clear, probable, possible. Modal nouns: assumption, possibility, probability. That clauses: it could be the case that, it might be suggested that, there is very hope that.
Hedging with Verbs It the president may soon travel. It the police reports are true. It we are all winers. The to be changing. The outcome to be inevitable. The lives they chose to be self-denying to most women.
Hedging with passive voice It the universe started with a big bang. It how we were created. the universe was created after the big bang. It music is good to grow plants. It is that the future in comunications is the internet.
Hedging with Noun Phrases it was an accident. he is the killer. the president can do a good job a forced entry. she likes him. fool play.