Donation Committee Chair Induction Session Family refusal represents the biggest single obstacle to deceased donation in the UK Sally Johnson Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation NHS Blood and Transplant 1 1
Key finding in the National CLOD and Chair Survey in March 2014 42% of CLODs missed the PDP 2010 education programme. 51% of ODC Chairs missed the PDP 2010 education programme. 33% of CLODs would like more training for their role 35% of ODC Chairs would like more training for their role
Chairs: why you matter so much Independent Volunteer Leadership and challenge Links with the hospital and the community Make a difference Ask the questions no-one else can/will: in your hospital, in your Regional Collaborative, of NHSBT, of your community.
How you can make a difference? Challenge no 1: does everything in the hospital happen as it should every time? Challenge no 2: if not, are the reasons ‘reasonable’? Challenge no 3: is the effort too dispersed? Challenge no 4: do people have the skills and confidence they need? Challenge no 5: is there a culture of continuous improvement? Challenge no 6: if the hospital staff are getting it right, what can you do to change the public behaviour?
Running an effective Donation Committee Have you got the right people engaged and do they turn up? Have you a clear vision of what you want to achieve & does the Committee agree with this? Do you move the agenda forward or just share information? Have you an effective process for holding people to account? Where does the Committee fit in the reporting structure? How do you publish and celebrate achievements?
Frequent worries “The data is wrong or misleading” “I’m not a doctor....” “The Finance Director keeps the money” ‘I don’t know what’s going on elsewhere”
Taking Organ Transplantation to 2020 Excellent care in support of organ donation will be routinely available and every effort will be made to ensure that each donor can give as many organs as possible (outcome 2) Attitudes to organ donation will change and people will be proud to donate, when and if they can (outcome 1)
Resources to help you Clinical website Donation Committee Handbook NICE short clinical guideline on organ donation – look in the donation section of the website under consent authorisation Regional Collaboratives, your Regional Manager and Regional Clinical Lead Public website for campaign material & to register to donate.