Technology in WW1
Western Front
Barbed wire
Grenades -to be used chiefly to defend the grenadiers -As with the machine gun the British high command could not see much use for the hand grenade. -either hand or rifle driven
Flame Throwers -first used at the Western Front in October 1914. -At first they had a range of 25 meters but later this was increased to 40 meters -most frightening weapon of the war -to scare and intimidate the enemy -used by the German army (but quickly adopted by both) -spread fire by burning fuel
an example of the early heavy type A Maxim machine Gun, an example of the early heavy type
A Lewis Gun during the Battle of Hazebrouck A Lewis Gun during the Battle of Hazebrouck. After 1915 the Lewis gun took over from the Vickers gun as the standard machine gun of the British Army.
The American Hotchkiss gun in the action on the Western Front.
Bayonet -Chiefly used as a psychological weapon -developed in France, in the early 17th century -bayonet was used by all sides from 1914-18, even if its use was more psychological than practical -Used to Stoke the Fire
Pistol -The officer's weapon -staple weapon for a variety of personnel during World War One -also issued to military police, airmen and tank operators -When war began there were three types of pistol in general use: revolvers, clip-loaded automatics and the so-called 'blow-back' models
British Soldiers
French Soldiers
German Soldiers
Russian Soldiers
Zeppelin Ridgid airship created by the Germany Filled with hydrogen
Planes in WWI
Dog fight
Tanks British Mark V-star Tank