Everyday Edit Complete sentences 1-3 only, please. QR code reader on your phone Eggs Everyday Edit #s 1-3 ONLY Complete sentences 1-3 only, please.
the verb in the sentence is used to state—or indicate—a fact Indicative Mood the verb in the sentence is used to state—or indicate—a fact
the verbs in the sentence are used to ask a question Interrogative Mood the verbs in the sentence are used to ask a question
the verbs in the sentence are used to tell someone what to do Imperative Mood the verbs in the sentence are used to tell someone what to do
Conditional Mood the verbs in the sentence are used to tell what has to happen before an effect may take place
Subjunctive Mood the verbs are used to tell wishes, desires, or suggestions that are unlikely or impossible
Verb Moods! I wish I were 10 feet tall! He would look nice if he got a new hat. Open the door. If you leave the tuna on the counter, the cat might eat it. Will we go out to dinner tonight? I’m turning 10 on Friday. If I were you, I’d clean up my room before mom gets home. To make money, you could get a part time job.
Verb Scavenger Hunt LONG HAIR— recorder — write on your answer sheet SHORT HAIR— runner — scans QR codes politely Get your starting QR code from Mrs. G. It is your #1. (You will all start in a different place. That’s OK.) ANALYZE the sentence on your QR code. RECORD an answer using the answer bank. FIND the answer on the wall to get your next sentence. REPEAT steps 3-5 until you finish.
Return your books to the library, please. Three books were read by James while he was at the beach this summer. If I were you, I would never leave the house in that dress. Did he buy the new shoes at the mall or online? After the game, we met our friends at a restaurant. You can’t take the car on the road trip to Nashville until you put gas in it. Are the vegetables that were planted by John still fresh?
Quiz #s 1-3
Warm Up After reading Jessica Gerstenmaier’s text entitled “Aren’t You a Hottie?”, compose an essay in which you convince readers that extreme habanero eating should be an Olympic sport. Support your claim with evidence from Gerstenmaier’s inspiring, life-changing article. Verb MOODS in prompt: ANAYZE this prompt. 1. Sentence 1 mood? 3. DO: 4. WHAT: 2. Sentence 2 mood? 5. What mode is this essay?
Organize your thoughts POW, POW, POW, POW IT UP! P O W Pull apart the prompt! Organize your thoughts and notes! Write that essay!
P- Pull Apart That Prompt DO WHAT Practice – I do (think aloud?)
P- Pull Apart That Prompt DO WHAT Practice – We do (guided)
P- Pull Apart That Prompt DO WHAT Practice – We do (guided)
P- Pull Apart That Prompt DO WHAT Practice – Talk with partner then help teacher while teacher plays the role of student?
Exit Ticket COMPOSE a thesis statement for this prompt. After reading Jessica Gerstenmaier’s text entitled “Aren’t You a Hottie?”, compose an essay in which you convince readers that extreme habanero eating should be an Olympic sport. Support your claim with evidence from Gerstenmaier’s article. COMPOSE a thesis statement for this prompt. CREATE an another essay prompt about this same article, but make it informative or narrative (you choose!)