South Africa - 20th Century Dutch Settlers = Boers (Afrikaners), believed in white superiority. British colonization led to Boer War Britain won 1902, formed Union of South Africa. To appease Boers, allowed only whites to vote.
African National Congress=ANC Black South Africans sought reform (1912) 1950s, Afrikaners made laws to separate whites/blacks = Apartheid (apartness) Nelson Mandela became leader of ANC Peaceful march in 1960, police killed 69 blacks, 2/3 shot in the back. 1962, Mandela arrested, ANC called for armed resistance.
End of Apartheid Bishop Desmond Tutu (Nobel Prize), others worked to free Mandela in 1980s. World pressure led to reforms. 1990- Mandela released from prison 1993- S. Afr. Pres. F.W. de Klerk agreed to hold democratic nat’l elections. 1994- Mandela became first black pres.
Consequences of Independence in Africa Euro. influence caused many problems: Arbitrary borders led to conflict among different ethnic groups. African leaders spoke Euro. Languages and used democratic model and had difficulty establishing stable governments and prosperous economies. Kwame Nkrumah led 1st ind., Ghana 1957
Leaders Held Diverse Views Most Euro. Educ., urban middle class Some wanted Western-style capitalism Others an “African form of socialism” Some wanted Pan-Africanism- unity of all black Africans regardless of boundaries 1963 Org. of African Unity (OAU) 32 nations 2002 African Union (AU) 53 nations
Economic Problems Most countries relied on single export Reliance on west for tech. & goods Unwise purchasing and corruption (elite) Population growth, poor food production and drought led to widespread famine Millions live w/o water, electricity while very few live in luxury
Health Problems HIV & AIDS were epidemic in Africa in early 2000s (25m, 2/3 of world-wide cases). Internat’l help and education has stemmed growth, yet similar #s still live with HIV. Recent issues with Ebola (Liberia) have also improved dramatically.
Culture Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe wrote Things Fall Apart, Nobel winner depicts conflict between western & traditional values. Set in 1890s, tells what happens to a powerful village leader when Europeans arrive. Differences are seen in cities dominated by western culture, rural more traditional
Political Issues Cold War caused U.S. and Soviets to interfere with leadership. Differing ethnic groups within borders of Euro. drawn nations caused civil wars. Hutu in Rwanda and Tutsi in Burundi, tho there was mix in each country. 1/2 m killed, mostly Tutsi. Tables turned, many Hutus killed, others fled to Congo which led to civil war there. Sudan-Arab militia waged genocide on Africans