Postgraduate Support and Representation Training NPC Conference 2005 Dries Neirynck, NPC Project Officer
Aim To help participants identify and discuss the issue of postgraduate representation and, by doing so, develop effective strategies for providing the right representation and services for a postgraduate community
Learning Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to List key characteristics of the postgraduate student body; Describe different methods of providing representation and support to postgraduates Describe how the National Postgraduate Committee can help
Postgraduate Student Body Taught Masters Masters by Research Doctoral students Part-time postgraduates Distance learning Vocational courses such as PGCEs …
Idea Storm What are the key differences between postgraduates and undergraduates with regards to the provision of representation and support? Possible/desired answers: Nature of their studies, semi-staff status, funding and fees issues, more likely to be international, mature, distant or part-time, more isolated, different social needs, don’t feel part of the Union.
PG Issues for Representation In little groups, discuss the statement and how you would deal with the case scenario you have been given. Statements: Postgraduates have greater workloads and are less willing to get involved in activities, clubs and societies. Postgraduates aren’t as interested in student issues as undergraduates, in terms of getting actively involved in making representation to the University Postgraduates are much more sober and sensible. They have left their wild, party-animal undergraduate lifestyles behind. Postgraduates aren’t as involved politically as undergraduates. As they are more engaged in their studies, there is less need for national representation. Case studies: A Masters student doing dissertation feels lonely and stressed and decides to drop out. A research student is being pressurised to undertake more teaching. A taught postgraduate complains about the low quality of the course and demands money back. A supervisor is not giving enough support and gives inappropriate advice.
PG Involvement Statements Postgraduates have greater workloads and are less willing to get involved in activities, clubs and societies. Postgraduates aren’t as interested in student issues as undergraduates, in terms of getting actively involved in making representation to the University. Possible/desired answers: Acknowledge increased workloads and time pressure, reservation to join UG dominated groups but need to socialise, UG timetable of most clubs and societies Again, acknowledge increased pressure on pgs, but also need for PG representation, Union is perceived as UG, more individual needs and problems
PG Involvement Statements Postgraduates are much more sober and sensible. They have left their wild, party-animal undergraduate lifestyles behind. Postgraduates aren’t as involved politically as undergraduates. As they are more engaged in their studies, there is less need for national representation. Possible/desired answers: Subtle differences with Ugs, depending on the individual from experienced alcoholic to occasional party animal and kids restrained mature students. Time pressure makes them more likely to be turned off by Union politics but UGs might have conflicting needs or a limited knowledge of PG needs, so need for PG rep
Idea Storm Conclusion Postgraduates needs support and representation. They have a very different relation with their representative bodies There is a need for representative bodies to reach out and include postgraduates
Including Postgraduates Respect their time constraints: give them all the practical support you can If they don’t look interested: find out what their interests and needs are find the right way to address them Try to find an open platform where everyone can express their view
Postgraduate Support Structures How does your institution cater for postgraduates in the following areas: Representation Welfare Issues Social and Activities Communication with Postgraduates In small groups, let them compare with each other. PG only institutions should form a separate group.
Models for representation Postgraduate Officer or Sabbatical Postgraduate Committee (staff support) Postgraduate Society, Association Autonomous Postgraduate Body Course Representatives Departmental, faculty levels
Representation Ensure PG Input in Union and University Meetings: Traditionally PG Officers, Representatives Input of postgraduates that are unable to attend meetings Representatives might not be the best way to provide representation
Representation Provide training to your representatives so that they know how the system works what their role in it is Be aware of postgraduate specific issues E.g. procedures for research degrees
Welfare Issues New environment and work pressure leading to feelings of isolation Language and cultural difficulties for international students Particular needs of distant, mature and part-time students
Social and Activities Create a postgraduate community : Establish a Postgraduate Society/Association Make use of Graduate Schools Organising postgraduate specific events Include postgraduates in existing clubs and societies Make society officers aware of postgraduate needs Provide social activities outside undergraduate term time
Communication Dedicated web-site Mailing lists Postgraduate Newsletter Postgraduate Forums (on-line, real meetings) Use existing structures: e.g. Graduate Schools, course representatives
Idea Storm What does the National Postgraduate Committee do, and what could it do, for its members? Possible/desired responses: Advice, representation, training, networking opportunities, national voice, resource folder
Help from NPC Resource folder: Guidelines, codes of practice, policy responses, etc. Advice and support from the General Secretary:
Review Learning Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to List the key characteristics of the postgraduate student body; Describe different methods of providing representation and support to postgraduates Describe how the National Postgraduate Committee can help
Questions? Thanks to: Dave Jarman, University of Bristol Union Tim Brown, Harpreet Singh NPC Management Sub-Committee