Agenda Payroll Time clock Timecard Other Payroll Information Employee Self-Serve
“Lets Roll with Payroll” A General Review of the Payroll Process from Start to Finish. Payroll Processing Flow Chart (hand out) The 2015-2016 Payroll Schedules were board approved on July 28, 2015 and are posted on the District’s website under Departments - Payroll.
PAYROLL (Continued) Donna ISD follows a forty (40) hour work week. The week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. Most employees work eight (8) hours per day with a one (1) hour lunch break. Auxiliary employees often work different schedules depending on their job. Each individual department should be aware of the schedules. If there are any questions on the schedules contact the HR department.
TIMECLOCK – Update All District employees are required to sign in via Biometric clock. No Punch / No Pay (for auxiliary employees) Paraprofessional and Auxiliary employees are required four time-clock (sign in/out) punches. Clock In upon arrival, Clock out for lunch, Clock in from Lunch and Clock Out at the end of the day. Professional staff require two time-clock punches. Clock- In upon arrival and Clock-Out before departing at the end of day. If employee has an emergency and must leave, employee needs to clock out and clock back in if returning to work. This applies to professionals and para professionals Lets Roll With Payroll
TIMECLOCK – Update (continued) Punches will not be available for viewing until the following day (My Organization Attendance). For the 2015-2016 school year Prologic is working on making the punches in real time which will be available immediately for viewing. This should occur in late October or early November. Time Clocks accept punches up to 24 hours after loss of electrical power. There is a five minute grace period before or after scheduled punch time. It takes 24 hours for new hire information to flow through bio-metric clocks. New time clock models will require new collection of prints.
TIMECLOCK – Update (Continued) Punches are required for Half-Day attendance. No punches are required for Full Day Out-of-District Conferences, Trips or Staff Development attended during regular workday.
TIMECLOCK – Update (Continued) Function Pay will be used for Afterschool and Week-End Programs. Earl Scott building. Time clocks are set up at this facility in order for employees working extracurricular activities to clock in and out (football games, athletic events, security).
TIMECLOCK – Update (Continued) Support Level 1 Support – Contact the Timekeeper at location (campus or department) to resolve concern. Level 2 Support – If Level 1 cannot resolve the issue, submit E mail to PEIMS staff. Level 3 Support – If Level 2 does not resolve the issue, contact the Technology department. Exception – When inaccurate time is shown on time clock – contact the Technology office first.
TIMECARD The “timekeeper” is the first approver. This is usually the role of the Department or Campus Secretary or whom-ever the Director or Principal assigns. It is the “timekeeper’s” responsibility to: Maintain the employee’s work schedule and ensure that all employees are working the correct number of hours and manage the campus/department overtime. Ensure correct absence reasons are applied (Ex. Jury Duty, Personal Illness); Scan a copy of any documentation supporting the absence when applicable (I.E. Jury Duty Summons, Doctor’s Excuse, etc.).
TIMECARD Time-Keeper Responsibility (continued) Create an “Add Time Missed” record for employees who are not present for the entire work day. Most employees’ hours should total eight (8) hours every day. For a total of forty (40) hours at the end of the week. If an employee is out more than three days, please notify the HR office in order to properly document leave. Maintain substitute information on a daily basis. Supervisor approval is required to finalize the payroll process.
TIMECARD (Continued) Employees can view current day punch activity via TEAMS Employee Self Serve. It is the responsibility of the employee to notify the timekeeper when punches are not recorded for the day or if there is an error with the hours. Beginning this year, adjustments to time will not be processed unless a “Change Form” is completed and approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor.
Leave Absences Local Leave will accrue at a rate of four (4) hours for every 144 hours worked [DEC(Local-X)]; State Leave will be available at the beginning of the school year. Maximum hours of forty (40) can be earned per year; Employee’s without earned leave hours will be docked;
Leave Absences(Continued) Notify HR if state days need to be transferred between Texas school districts; Leave absences summary is available via Employee Self Serve; In the case of an extended leave, approval must be granted by the Superintendent beforehand. Please make sure all employees are aware of this procedure; Human Resources will submit approval forms to the payroll office.
Other Payroll Information Supplemental Pay (Extra Duty Pay) Supplemental Pay will be paid through function pay; Supplemental Pay will only be paid if the employee has worked greater than forty (40) hours during the regular work week. (This is applicable to both paraprofessional and professional employees).
Other Payroll Information (Continued) Direct Deposit Direct Deposit is mandatory for ALL employees; Can use bank account or payroll debit card; Using direct deposit benefits both the employee and the District; Some benefits to the employee include: No lost or stolen checks; No unclaimed or un-cashed checks; Elimination of long banking lines and wasted time cashing checks; and Assurance that payments will be automatically deposited while on vacation, sick leave or out of town.
Other Payroll Information (Direct Deposit continued) Benefits to the District include: Reduced processing time and requirements for check reconciliation; Elimination of forged, stolen or lost checks; Reduced operating costs; Improved productivity; and Enhanced cash management by increasing predictability of cash flows.
Other Payroll Information (Direct Deposit continued) The employee must notify the Payroll Department at least ten (10) business days prior to “payday” when closing bank accounts; If funds are rejected for an invalid or closed account, replacement checks will not be processed until seven (7) banking days after payday. Funds will be available to employee as per individual banking policy. Please contact the payroll department immediately if the payroll check amount is incorrect.
Other Payroll Information (Payroll Deductions continued) Voluntary Insurance and Annuity deductions are entered by the Safety and Risk Management Department; It is the employees responsibility to assure that insurance premiums are paid in a timely manner; if an employee is out for extended period without pay please make payments directly to the Safety and Risk Management Department in order to avoid cancellation of insurance policies. Please contact the Safety and Risk Management department for changes in your insurance or annuity deductions.
Other Payroll Information (Payroll Deductions continued) Other Voluntary Deductions include: Association Dues; United Way; Employee Emergency Foundation, etc. These types of deductions may be stopped by the employee at the employee’s discretion by completing the Stop Deduction Form and submitting the form to the payroll department ten (10) days before the next payroll due date. Federal and State Mandated Deductions Federal Income Tax; Medicare Tax; Social Security Tax(in some cases); And TRS and TRS Care.
Other Payroll Information (Payroll Deductions continued) Involuntary Deductions Tax Lien Garnishment Bankruptcy, etc. Payroll will notify an employee, of a debt withholding notice it has received, such as: garnishment; tax liens; Bankruptcy; or wage assignment.
Other Payroll Information Involuntary Deductions (continued) Employees should also receive prior notification of a debt collection by the issuing court or authorized agency. The payroll department will continue to garnish wages until either: the entire amount is satisfied; the due date on the withholding notice is reached; or the garnishment is released by the court by written notification. Payroll remits the withheld amounts to the appropriate court on behalf of the employee.
Other Payroll Information(Continued) Payroll – Paycheck Discrepancies Employees with no work assignment. Incorrect starting assignment date. Incorrect pay schedule assignment. Account number incorrect. Deductions not properly closed. No time-clock punches entered by employee. Missing approvals by supervisor. Working together we can ensure that all employees are paid in a timely manner and for the correct amount. Thank you for “Rolling with Payroll” and for making the payroll process a success
Employee Self-Serve Employee Self Serve is available on the DISD website for all current and former employees; Employee Self Serve can be accessed from Home or any place with internet access.
Donna ISD Webpage
TEAMS Entry Points
Entry Point for Employee Self Serve
Employee Self-Serve Menu
Leave Balance
Review Time Card
My Payroll Information
W2 Return
Review My Paychecks
Q & A Payroll Department: 464.1620 x 1146 PEIMS Department: 464.1768