CPLD Product Applications XC9500XL Architecture CPLD Product Applications TIB_archB1
XC9500XL Overview Superset of XC9500 CPLD Optimized for 3.3V systems compatible levels with 5.0/2.5V High fMAX = 200 MHz Fast tPD = 4 nsec Best ISP/JTAG support Best pinlocking Advanced Packaging XC9500XL architecture is a further refinement of the XC9500 CPLD. Careful thought has gone into providing the best complex programmable logic device to meet the needs of 3.3V systems - in a way that is also compatible with either 5 or 2.5V chips. For today’s performance needs, this basically means state machine speeds up to 200 MHz, with combinational pin to pin delays as low as 4 nanoseconds on our fastest speed grade. To complete the picture, the parts have been designed to give outstanding ISP and JTAG test support, while maintaining the XC9500 standard as the best pinlocking architecture. Finally, to round things out, Xilinx has introduced several new packages - particularly the new Chip Scale Packages for maximum density in the best electrical environment.
Agenda Overview Technology Architecture ISP Electrical Compatibility Support Family
Features Each macrocell independently selects clock source and phase inversion Clock enable at each macrocell Hysteresis on all inputs Pullup/Bus Hold Option on Pins at power on Expanded Function Block Inputs
Technology 0.35 micron FastFLASH technology 4 Layers of Metal Optimized for high speed 3.3V systems Ideal for ISP CPLDs Reprogramming Endurance = 10,000 Charge Retention = 20 years Critical to the success of today’s CPLDs is the underlying technology. Where others have chosen E2 technology, Xilinx has pioneered the low voltage FLASH technology for a number of reasons. First, the smaller cell size permits the architecture to pack more control bits into a given area than E2. Second, almost all of the future nonvolatile memory production is becoming FLASH. This means more sources of process capacity and lower overall costs. In the CPLD world, smaller and lower voltage also translates to higher speed. Smaller features, more metal and 3.3V all mean speed. As well as speed, these parts are specifically targeted for robust ISP. In particular, high endurance long charge retention ISP. It’s in the numbers!
Flash vs E2 Endurance Flash delivers: - highest quality - no speed degradation - 20 year retention - reliable reprogramming - worry free field upgrade
Architecture Uniform Identical Function Blocks Identical Macrocells Identical I/O pins Abundant Global/Product Term Resources Great synthesis results Best pinlocking results These bullets highlight the architectural features that underly the XC9500XL architecture philosophy. Key to design is simply remembering that the architecture is uniform - Function Blocks, Macrocells, I/O pins and Global/Product Term Resources. This uniformity makes the software job of efficient synthesis much easier than if the architecture were a set of special cases. Additionally, this uniformity also dramatically aids in producing great pin-locking results.
CPLDs XC9500XL devices are similar to having multiple PAL devices interconnected in one chip Best applications Wide functions Complex counters Complex state machines PAL/GAL or TTL integration Non-volatile BUS Interface/Control PAL Swi- tch Mat- rix PAL PAL PAL Prog. AND array Fixed OR array FF/ Macro- cell FF/ Macro- cell
High Level Architecture
FastCONNECT II Switch Matrix Very High Speed Switch Matrix Greater connectability for all signals High routability at high utilization Software delivers high speed automatically Substantial power reduction Key to high speed on XC9500XL designs is the new FastCONNECT II Switch Matrix. This structure is a substantially expanded very high speed multiplexer. Many designs that had difficulty fitting in the XC9500 family - one of the industry’s best - easily fit into the XC9500XL, even at very high utilization. The software efficiently manages the signals to deliver very high speed connections with minimum effort. As an extra, this structure substantially reduces the power dissipation associated with earlier interconnect structures.
Function Block 54 Inputs Highest FB Fanin
Product Term Allocation 3 available here 2 p-terms required here 5 available here 5 native p-terms Total = 18 requires 2 X tpta delay added to tPD 5 available here
Industry’s Best Pin-Locking Product Term Allocator allows any product term to be borrowed by any macrocell in the same function block Product Term Allocator allows for timing to be held for small to medium logic changes Footprint compatibility allows for easy migration to larger or smaller devices using the same device package
Why Pin-Locking is Necessary The major advantages of In System Programming can only be realized with field-upgrades It does not make sense to do field upgrades if the board needs to be re-worked for minor logic changes It does not make sense to do field upgrades if timing cannot be met
Pin Locking vs Pin Preassignment The software should be allowed to make first pass pin assignments Pre-assigning pins can lead to timing and density underutilization
ISP Original XC9500 JTAG and ISP instructions: New instruction: Program Erase Verify Blankcheck ID Code Usercode Intest Extest Hi-Z Bypass New instruction: CLAMP permits pin by pin definition of logic level during bypass Added S/W support with XACT M1.5 CPLD and FPGA download via JTAG
Bus Hold Logic A weak latch holds last state on I/O RBH= 50kOhms
Bus Hold Logic Two modes of operation User mode: Holds last state ISP or blank device: pull-up resistor Better than just a pull-up resistor eliminates slow changing of bus signals during hi-z reduced system power during hi-z
Voltage Compatibility VCCINT = 3.3V VCCIO = 3.3V/2.5V CORE LOGIC Note: output p-channel gives full rail swing
Voltage Compatibility 3.3/5V VCCIO VCCINT 5V 3.3V Any Any XC9500XL 3.3V 5V TTL 3.3V 3.3V device device
Voltage Compatibility 3.3V/2.5V VCCIO VCCINT 3.3V 2.5V Any Any 3.3V XC9500XL 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V device device
XC9500XL Voltage Compatibility Summary EIA Standard Voltage Levels No Power Supply Sequencing Restriction
Input Signal Hysteresis VOH 50 mV VOUT (VOLTS) VOL 1.45V 1.40V VIN (VOLTS)
Power Optimization Minimum of 67% decrease in power over 5V CPLDs Low power option per macrocell Even lower power if I/Os swing 0-2.5V FastCONNECT II lower power than XC9500 I/Os swing full VCCIO range with p-channel pullups (shuts off attached external logic)
XC9500XL Design Software XC9500XL Fitters in all Xilinx Standard S/W Packages Foundation M1.5 Alliance M1.5 Support for Schematics, Verilog, VHDL, Abel Exemplar Synopsys Synplicity more XC9500XL is supported not only by the same design software that supports XC9500 CPLDs, but also by the same software that supports the Xilinx FPGA product line. This includes both Foundation and Alliance software packages from Xilinx. As well, it includes a large group of third party providers of HDL and simulation software, along with the usual schematic providers for both PCs and workstations.
Programming Flexibility Mount XC9500/XL device to PCB, fixing pinouts Program via download cable (no programmer required) Recompile design, erase & reprogram multiple times Debug logic with extended JTAG test XC9500/XL advantages Pin-locking architecture maintains pinouts Endurance of 10,000 cycles Extended JTAG test XC9500 ISP Download Cable
Expanded Manufacturing Capability Mount XC9500/XL and program using standard manufacturing automatic test equipment and JTAG Board test using IEEE 1149.1 compliant JTAG Implement last-minute design changes XC9500/XL advantages Fast program time (~1 second XC95144XL) using Automated Test Equipment (ATE) Excellent pin-locking for last-minute design changes Complete IEEE 1149.1 JTAG
Third Party ATE Support Hewlett-Packard Teradyne Gen-RAD Common Support for both Xilinx FPGAs and CPLDs.
XC9500XL Family
XC9500XL Conclusion is the CPLD family that meets your leading-edge system needs